Ok so last night I went to a prayer meeting at my Sunday School teacher, Donna Goforth’s house. It was really great and boy were there some godly women there. I hope that one day someone will be able to just look at me the way I looked at those women and KNOW that I love the Lord the way they do. They don’t have to say anything, it’s just all over them. But we were talking about prayer and the most important part of your day being in the morning that time with Him. Well, if anyone knows me they know that I’m just not a morning person. I can’t focus and it’s just a really hard time for me to get and be still without falling asleep. So, I got really convicted because I normally do my quiet time in the afternoon when the younger two are napping. I’ve never really been convicted about it before but for some reason God was speaking to me. The leader of this session said that if God is waking you up in the middle of the night to pray or early in the morning to pray, He’s got something to say to you. Plus the Lord in the bible was referenced always as getting up early to pray even while it was still dark. So about 5am I woke up, which is very unusual for me and I was tossing and turning and it dawned on me that God must be waking me up. But y’all, I gave into the flesh…….I fell back asleep. I told myself just five more minutes and then I’ll get up. Well, we had a crazy, whinnying morning and I just wonder what kind of morning I would have had if I had been obedient. So, here I am on the blog central making my vow to the Lord that if He wakes me up tomorrow, I WILL get up no matter how weak my flesh is. Just curious if anyone else faces this? God is giving me a BIG wake up call right now, and I know that I’m drowning in my flesh and I’m gasping for air. But the only way to overcome it is to spend time, QUIET time with the Lord. I will just need some GOOD strong coffee. Well, Taylor is off to camp with my sweet neighbor Tracy, the car is still getting fixed so I’m home again today. No excuses for not getting housework done today. I also need to finish my stenciling project! Because there are more projects awaiting!! Well, have a nice day everyone. Thanks for reading!
One Comment
Yes girl i am with you on wanting to sleep in just a few more minutes!!! I imagine and have told some friends, imagine Jesus sitting on the edge of your bed just waiting to talk with you! He knows you need your rest, but he has been waiting all night!
keep writing!
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