I can’t believe Taylor starts school tomorrow. Summer has just flown by. I can remember dreading this summer so much and then having a rough start but I’m so pleased with how it’s turned out. Even though there’s been LOT’S of fights, complaints and messes to clean up overall the girls have been so sweet with eachother. I’ve had days where I’ve wanted to pull my hair out, cry my eyes out but then there’s been days when I don’t want to put the girls to bed because we are having fun! But tonight it’s back to 7:30 bed times!!!! We got to meet Taylor’s teacher yesterday, Mrs. Staples. She seems very sweet. Taylor says that she is nervous, excited and a little sad. First grade, it’s just so different than kindergarten. It was good to see all her friends and meet new ones. Hope is so excited for Taylor, she’s like, What are you going to wear? And who are you going to play with? But she’s also very ready to start preschool. I’ve got so much on my mind today. We are going to have to get a new van. After our air compressor broke, yesterday I was driving and the transmission started acting up again. I was ready to cry. We’ve had two people now look at it and tell us we’d better sell it while it still runs. I’m just so upset because we just put all of this money into it. I was like Lord, can we get a break? I think the more I press on to write and start this bible study the more I’m being attacked through so many areas of my life. But I know that I’m being tested, I know it, and I continue to press on towards the goal but boy is it hard. But we feel like we’d better do something soon before it gets really bad again. So, I’m praying for God to send us the right van. I’ve also been praying about whether or not it’s time to go back to work at the hospital. I know it would help us but I’m struggling so hard with knowing what God has called me to do and all the logistics that come with it. God woke me up again this morning but I gave into my flesh, and I fell back asleep. I wish I wouldn’t have I feel so guilty now. I don’t know why I continue to do that. Yesterday I was doing some research on the book of Job trying to figure it all out. I hope tomorrow to post some of the neat things God has said through this study I’ve been doing on my own. What did we do before the internet? =) Well, I just wanted to say good morning to you all, and I hope you are having a great day! Love, Nicki