I really hate days like this…………..days where I have so much to do it’s overwhelming and I don’t feel like doing anything. I guess I’m coming down from my weekend “high”. =) Kris and I had such a good time at our marriage retreat. It was so special and so refreshing. It was so good to get away without little girlies everywhere! We learned so much and I really believe it was a turning point in our marriage. But I guess you come home with all these tools and so ready for the battle and then the battle begins and it’s just………..ugh………….is the word. It’s so hard being parents to three little ones. I mean don’t get me wrong, I LOVE them dearly and I’m SO glad God has blessed me but I guess I just really saw this weekend how spread out we are over these girls and all the things they have going on, and they really don’t do that many extra activities but it’s still really hard to find time for eachother. I loved what our Sunday School teacher said yesterday, someone had made a comment about the best days being when you first started out and when you’re so in love, and he said No, the best is YET to come. Kris and I really agree with that. I so look foreword to the days ahead! The girls all did great too while we were gone. I was so glad. Kennedy’s face when we picked her up was PRICELESS. She was just so happy to see us. Taylor had a great time at her sleepover and Hope always has a good time with her Mimi because as she says, “Mimi lets me do EVERYTHING.” =) That’s what Mimi’s are for!! Well, I read Jeremiah this morning but I don’t really feel like I did, so I will have to look more closely at it and post my comments tomorrow. I’d better get busy, much to do……….I hope you all have a great day!!!