Deep in my soul


Deep in my soul

My soul is very heavy as I write today. My dear sweet neighbor Mrs.Martha had a hear attack last night and she is in ICU. She is a fighter but they are not sure how well she’s going to be after this. I’ve been so distraught by all of this today, it really makes you stop and think about how precious life is. And she is so precious in my life. I wasn’t fortunate to have a close relationship with any of my grandparents. My mom’s mom was the one I was most closest too but I didn’t get to see her very often due to the distance we always lived from her. I felt like God blessed me with Mrs.Martha to show me the love and care of a grandmother. She has taught me so much about life, gardens, scrapbooks, cooking and children. She’s a real life Martha Stewart. I don’t know what I’d do without her so please lift her up for just a moment to our dear sweet heavenly Father. I pray that He will hear my selfish prayer and keep her on this earth.

Today was Hope Ann’s first day of pre-school. I knew something was wrong with Mrs.Martha because EVERY morning she opens all of her blinds and she’s always out on her front porch. Hope Ann went over to ring the doorbell to show Mrs.Martha her new bookbag, she was so excited but Mrs.Martha didn’t come to the door. So I called and left her a message but deep in my heart I knew something was wrong. Her husband Ted came over later and knocked on the door to tell me what had happened. He was very shaken up.

So, I wait and pray until I hear something. My mom’s right, Mrs.Martha wouldn’t want me to sit around all day and cry and worry. But my human flesh is weak today. Psalm 30:1-4 says this: “I will extol the Lord at all times his praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt his name together. I sought the Lord and he answered me, he delivered me from all my fears.” God expects continuous praise from our lips even when it hurts. And He will deliver me from this fear or worry.

Well, it’s almost time for me to go and pick up Hope from her first day, I hope it was great. I’ll be sure to post any updates on Mrs.Martha. Have a good day.




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