My heart is heavy as I write today. I have a lot on it. I know I’m taking the right steps into the plans that God has for me, but oh has it been a struggle this past week. I guess when you are walking with God each day your eyes are truly opened to the world of believers and how much we let eachother down. I came across this verse in Luke 6:27 this is what is says. “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek turn to him the other also.” The part that has really struck home is to pray for those who mistreat us. How hard that really is. The last thing I want to do is pray for something nice for someone who has just insulted me or hurt me. But oh what joy there is in releasing that negative attitude unto the Lord. Why should I carry it around when He’s already got it taken care of. I think of all the blessings in life I must miss out on because I’m trying to “fix” everything that has been done wrong to me. I’m not perfect and I know I’ve done things to hurt others at times, but what a difference I could make in this world if I would just let God be God and let me be me. And oh what joy I would experience if I could just love everyone ESPECIALLY those who are in the wrong. So, that’s my prayer today and this week just to let God be God and let me be me. Powerful words and powerful thoughts.
So it was back to the gym today……….uh…….=) I’m gonna get over this battle and I WILL have freedom through this. I didn’t do to good last week because of all the sickness and craziness from that. I’m so thankful for this beautiful, HEALTHY day. Taylor had her very low-maintenance birthday party on Sunday. It was a perfect day and we spent the whole time outside, I’m so glad it was nice! She had a lot of fun so I’m glad. I started thinking about why we as parents feel the need to have these over the top birthday parties EVERY year and I just had to ask myself, why? So this year it was a very simple party and most likely next year will be the same. I felt a little guilty about it but after it was over, I was glad with the decision we had made. Someone told me a great idea for having three kids, every year one of the girls gets to have a big party and they will rotate each year. I think it sounds great!
I had asked you all to pray for our friends from Sunday School with the whole adoption situation. They had to give her back on Friday, apparently it was awful as you and I can imagine. Please continue to lift this family up in prayers, they are going to need it. And also pray for the safety of this little girl, she’s not in the best area of town and it doesn’t seem like her parents are all together.
Well, I hope all of you are having a great week so far. If there is anything I can pray for you for please let me know. Have a blessed day!
I’m glad that Taylor is better and she was able to enjoy her birthday. I’m with you 100% with the birthday party idea. My sister-in-law is having a hard time with this as well. Her kids always had big birthday parties somewhere. I had to remind her that most times its endulgence which is not good for her nor her children. This year she is scaling back too with just small family gatherings. The children loved it all the same.
I wanted to comment on your friends from church who just lost their foster child. We have a couple in our church in NC that went through the same thing 3 times. This last time was extremly hard on mom and dad. It was hard on me too because I worked at the Day Care at the time too and knew what was going on. I asked Carol, who by the way has never been able to have her own children how she does it. She told me that it was a ministry that is very close to her and her husbands hearts. And at times its very difficult to give up children you have had for so long. She said that its just by the grace of God that they get through it. ANd of course like your friends, they are most concerned about the kids welfare because sometimes the go back into a rough home. I’m sure folks like my friend and your friend are real close to the Lords heart. One day the Lord is going to richly bless those who care for “broken” and unwanted little ones. I’ve enjoyed your blog. Keep up the good work. Have a VICTORIOUS day!!
You are so right, I think that that is all our friends want is safety for their precious little girl. I can’t imagine the pain that your friend must have felt three times, but it has to be a ministry! And I agree and I am praying for them to be richly blessed through this experience!!! We miss you all! I hope you are feeling well!!
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