Whew……..What a weekend!


Whew……..What a weekend!

Wow, I feel like I blinked and the weekend was over! Friday night, Taylor had a class from 5-6. They came home we ate and put the girls to bed. Early Saturday morning Kris headed off to his final race in the Run For You Life, racing series. He did very well. He came in 55th out of like 350. So, I think that’s good, I would have been #350! =) I think he said he came in second place overall through these races in his age group. Which I think is awesome! Shortly after he headed out the girls and I were right behind him going to another audition for Taylor. Then we came home, loaded the kids up and headed to Morrow Mountain state park. We had planned on going to Grandfather mountain to see the leaves, but time did not allow this.

So, we are driving along, I’m thinking we have everything we needed for a fun afternoon, and Kris says, Oh shoot, I forgot I took the baby-back-pack out of the van. I got really upset because guess who was going to end up carrying that baby around???? I told Kris, just turn the van around, let’s go home! But he persisted on driving to the park. I started to feel bad because it’s not like he did it intentionally, but still……….Ugh…. =) So, we get there and the girls see the canoe place is open. (I thought they closed on labor day) Next thing I know all five of us are out there on the canoe! Scary!!! But, we had a blast! Kennedy did not care for her life jacket but other than that she did great. Hope Ann was a little scared especially getting on and off. Poor Daddy, since I had Kennedy he was stuck rowing us all over the lake! But it was beautiful! All of the leaves had started to change and it was warm and just peaceful.

After our little boat ride we took a walk around the lake,(Kris carried Kennedy! =), and then it was time to go. We stopped and ate dinner and came home and had smores in our backyard with our fire pit. The girls had fun and so did we. Sundays are always a busy day anyways just trying to get out the door. Kris’s mom took the girls to see the play Peter Pan right after church. Kris and I came home, he watched the game and I took a nap with Kennedy! Then we went to church to hear Dr.Rummage’s sermon on Culture Shock. It was really good. I was expecting to leave there feeling like the world was coming to an end and our lives would be over once our kids were teens but, it was quite the opposite. I actually felt very encouraged at the future and what it holds for the girls!

Well, it’s another busy day. Bible study tonight! I’m so excited to see what God has said to everyone this week. I LOVE to hear other people’s opinions and their views on how they see scripture, it’s what makes it challenging and exciting! Well, I hope you all have a very blessed day!




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