


I’m so excited to report that I’ve lost another 2pds!! I have to say though I was very much surprised BECAUSE the other day I discovered a huge obstacle that I didn’t even know was there! I was pouring my coffee just like I do every day and I just happened to look at the label on my creamer. (I’m not really one to look at labels) Well, I noticed it said 40 calories. Ok not to bad right? WRONG! 40 calories PER TEASPOON!!! I had been using I’d say at least 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup each day! I measured it out and it equaled to almost 300 calories!!! And some days I have two cups!! AHHHH. It’s amazing that I’ve lost ANYTHING. So, now that I’ve thrown out that horrible creamer and switched to 1/4 cup of f-free milk, I’ll be anxious to see the results next week! Live and Learn!!! But none the less, four pounds off is better than four pounds on, even if it has taken me a month!!! Hopefully this week will be better!

Ok does anyone else find this time-change extremely annoying???? My girls were ALL up at 5am yesterday! I was like oh my goodness!!! Then this morning it was 6am, and on a normal day this wouldn’t be so bad except that Taylor doesn’t have school today so I was expecting her to sleep in. Yes, they’ve been up for 1 1/2 hours and Taylor and Hope are already is separate rooms. Oh………it’s going to be a day! Poor lil Kennedy, she has another cold. They had to come and get me out of Sunday school yesterday because her eyes were gooing. Yuck. I feel so bad for her, but she’s already back down for a nap. I’m sure we’ll end up at the dr.’s today or one day this week if she doesn’t get better.

Over the past few days I’ve been studying faithfulness. There is so much more to that word that just the act of having faith. Of course faith is the basis of our relationships with Christ without faith there would be nothing. Believing in the unseen and unheard is a hard thing. Taylor has asked me several times, Mommy how do you hear God’s voice. This is hard for a child who is so tangible with things. I explained to her that sometimes God speaks through people, His word, situations and sometimes it’s that tug on our hearts guiding us in the way we should go.

But the kind of faith that I want to have is that totally dependent, sold-out for God faith. It’s NEVER saying to myself, Ok God are you SURE you know what you’re doing. Or, Hey God what about we do things like this……….I want to have faith that I don’t even have to think about. I just want it to be so evident in my life. I love this verse in Prov 3:3 is says this, “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” That’s the faithfulness I want to have! The kind that is ALWAYS there ready to serve and ready for whatever God has for me, not to ever question where He is leading me.

Well, I guess I’d better start this super fun day of laundry and closet cleaning out! I hope you all are having a blessed day!




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