Fruitful for Integrity


Fruitful for Integrity

Wow, God spoke to me BIG time today in service. I just had to blog about it!! =) The sermon title was Living With Integrity. The ironic thing is, my bible study just this week did a study about the fruits of the spirit, so I guess them being so fresh in my mind and then Dr.Brown preaching about having fruits in our lives, it just all made sense! The fact is that according to John 15, God chose US. He has a purpose and a plan for our lives and that plan is to be fruitful! And how are we fruitful? Through people in our lives. I can have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control BUT if I don’t have anyone to share those fruits with, then what’s the point??? I guess it’s why I’ve been praying for God to “expand my territory”. I refuse to believe that the mistakes I’ve made in the past, particulary getting pregnant before I was married, let me be ruined for the rest of my life! Yes, I made a mistake but so has everyone else, sin is sin to God! God is still going to use me! And it’s up to me to be obedient to Him on a daily basis if I’m going to have the fruits of Him in ME. Uh…….I think about how much time I’ve wasted saying to myself, no believing the lies of Satan, that I can’t be used anymore, God’s done, I’ve messed up to bad! God has forgiven me and there is so much freedom in that. I think one of the fruits should be forgiveness, because it is so powerful! (not that I’m trying to re-write the bible!!) But oh, I experienced God’s GRACE once again today and I’m so thankful for that. It’s why I named Kennedy, Kennedy Grace, because God’s GRACE is and always has been so good to me. Every day I look at Kennedy and I say, “Kennedy you are God’s GRACE to me today.” Whether I’ve had a bad day or not, it doesn’t matter, God’s grace is there!!

Jesus tells us to follow Him and that means to be like Him. And what did Jesus bear? FRUIT! So whether I’m leading a bible study or just being a loving mom to my girls, I’ve got fruit to share and I’d better do it because it’s what God’s called me to do! It’s what God’s called everyone to do. Sometimes I’m like, Oh I just wish God would tell me what He wants me to do, DUH!!! It’s right in front of my face! When I bear fruits everything else is going to fall into place! So abide and reside in Jesus and you will bear fruit is the message I got today! Integrity is what you do when no one is looking especially how you ACT and REACT!!!! (those are dr.b’s words, not mine! )

Yesterday was Kris’s birthday so we went over to his mom’s house for dinner, she offered to keep ALL THREE girls for the night!! What a RARE treat that was!!! But, Kris and I were so tired after we left there, we came home and went to bed! Yes are getting old! =) Then this morning we were both up by 6am, (ok now we’re really getting old!) So we went and had breakfast before we went to pick up the girls for church! It was a good “date”. It was nice just to get ready for church and not have three girls to get ready too! So thanks Barb!!

Today we are going out to dinner with my parents for Kris’s birthday, yes this is turning into a three-day event now! =) I can’t believe thanksgiving is this week! Where has the time gone??? I also can’t believe Kennedy is almost 11 months old.

So, yesterday morning Kris and I took the girls to the Y, he was going to go run and I was going to a step class, so off to the child watch they went. Now……….it’s been almost three years since I’ve been to a step class and I was a little nervous about going. I laughed SO hard, because I was all over the place. There was another girl that it was her first time back in a while too, and we just laughed at each other! It did make the time go by faster! But, oh my legs are SORE today! Then, I go and try to find Kris and he’s off running somewhere so I get the girls and go out to the lobby. Ok now I’m DRENCHED in sweat and my face is beat red. Kris comes walking in the door, looking like he’s been for a short walk, no sweat face normal everything. I asked him how far he ran, he said I don’t know let’s go drive the route I went and I’ll see how far it was. Ok ya’ll it was 13.5 MILES!!!!!! I about died! I was like, what is wrong with you???? I guess it’s why he is a toothpick and I am not!

Well, I know this was a long entry! I’d better go, I gotta get my bible study done for tomorrow night! Have a blessed Sunday!!!




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