God is good!!


God is good!!

I was telling you yesterday about my friends that have had a really rough couple of months. I wanted to share that I think these ladies are so amazing!! I heard from both of them yesterday and they are doing so well!! They have the BEST outlook on things and truly know that their cousin is walking with the Lord. There’s no better feeling that knowing that! I had so much peace flow all over me after talking with them!!!

God was so good to me yesterday. I was really worried about my friends and God provided peace for that, THEN I really started getting upset that I haven’t heard back from this interview that I went on last week. Well, wait let me start over….. Kris got extremely upset with me that I bought the girls their Christmas dresses yesterday. (He’s thinking Christmas is over a month away what do they need them now for???) Well, he doesn’t realize that pictures have to be made and cards have to be sent out and that all takes time. And I was finally able to find 3 matching dresses for them and this gets really hard when you have one in size 6, one it 5T and one is 12m! So, I was thinking this was a smart decision, I left the store feeling great. THEN daddy sees the dresses……….”WHAT?? You spent How much???” Ok, I spent $50 for THREE precious dresses, that’s a DEAL!!! Men just have no idea how much little girl things cost!! So, anyways, this all lead to me just wanting to KNOW if I had gotten this job or not and why on earth that haven’t even called me to let me know either way. I got really upset about it and just asked God deep in my heart to provide me with an answer. Well, it turns out the recruiter I’ve been working with was out of town all this week. So…………it makes sense now!! But I was just so thankful that God had at least given me SOME kind of answer. But after that incident with Kris, I realized how I really do need to provide some income for our family! =)

I just love it when even though God doesn’t answer my prayer, He at least gives me some hope, especially on days like yesterday when I needed it the most!

On a side note……….does anyone think it’s strange that my 4year old, Hope Ann prefers to watch the cooking channel than cartoons???? I guess I don’t really pay to much attention to what she’s putting on, since she only knows how to put Disney and PBS on, but I guess she’s figured out how to put the cooking channel on and everytime I look at the TV, she’s got it on! She’s like, “Momma! Paula’s on!!” (Paula is this old southern woman who cooks the yummiest food but the WORST food for you!) I don’t know where she got this from………I don’t really care to cook so I never put that channel on! I think from my brother…………!!!! =) I blame everything on him! She watches it SO intensely!!! Maybe I have the next Rachel Ray!!! Ha!!! =)

Well, we have an un-eventful weekend FOR ONCE!!! Well, not to un-eventful. It’s Kris’s birthday tomorrow and his grandmothers, so we will celebrate those! Happy Birthday honey, I love you!!! Well, I have so much laundry to get done, I have not done ONE load this week, not smart!! So, I guess I’d better get started. Have a blessed day!!!




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