Today is Hope’s fourth birthday! She’s already awake at 5am!!! Wow, it’s going to be a day! =) At least she has school today. I had started to post a really long entry but I deleted it because I just don’t think it made a lot of sense. Sometimes it’s really hard to post all of my thoughts on here because I get some feedback that’s great through e-mails and then other people just want to argue, which I don’t like to do. SO, that being said, forgive me! I’m not perfect, I love to blog and hear other people’s feed-back. But I just had a feeling that what I was writing about, The Holy Spirit and prayer was going to cause to much controversy, so, I’ll just keep it simple today.
But maybe that’s my problem. I’m afraid to step on people’s toes. I don’t want ANYONE to not like me, but the reality of it is there probably are people who don’t like me. I guess that’s just part of life. We all want to be accepted and not rejected and it hurts our hearts when we are. I think back to times where I have stood my ground on something I really believe in and oh………..My heart was hurt but my relationship with Christ was blessed. So, maybe if I have some time later today I’ll post my thoughts on what I read this morning, it’s a little to long for 5am! =)
I had my interview yesterday at CMC, it went really well. I’m just praying for God’s will. I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew and right now I feel like it’s starting to get that way. I’ve just got the girls involved in TO much. I know things will calm down after Christmas and then it’s ONE thing at a time, not THREE. So, I know if God wants me back to work, then I will go!
Puppy Princeton did MUCH better last night. He seems very content here, I’m scared to let him out of my sight for fear of an accident!! He’s done very well so far but I know it’s coming!! Well, birthday girl wants breakfast so I’d better go. I hope you all have a blessed day!
Taylor was so excited to tell me about the puppy – goldens are my favorites – they are so great with kids. I am still praying for your Bible study. I dealt with some incredible chapters this week as well – on judgement, criticism, wisdom and discernment, being to impatient and working ahead of God. Oh it spoke to me loud and clear…..I am learning some things about my personality that I just don’t like…..I am so thankful for God’s grace.
Taylor is doing so well. She has such a sweet spirit. She is so gentle. Quiet – but her wheels are always turning. She soaks up the Bible stories and is quick to respond to questions. I enjoy your blog – It helps me know how to pray for your family. SO glad we are on the same team this year. Enjoy your long weekend.
In His precious service,
Kim Staples
Thank YOU for being such an awesome teacher, Taylor and our family have just been blessed by you and Mrs.Hurd. Taylor has been a great help with the puppy! We are enjoying him. Are you still doing Battle Field of the Mind? I’m really thinking I need to do that book, it sounds like God is doing some awesome things in your heart! Thanks for the comment and thanks for reading! Take care!
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