


What a trying couple of days we’ve had around here. On Monday we had something awful happen. Taylor had a friend over to play and they wanted to play outside, well she was allergic to dogs so, I tied Bow (our temporary dog that we are watching) up in the garage. I left the door open because it was such a beautiful day. I’d say about 30 minutes later I hear this horrifying scream outside from someone. I ran out the garage door and there I see Bow attacking another dog. Somehow she had gotten loose and she was viscously attacking and wouldn’t let go of this dog. I tried and tried to get her off, I was hitting her and pulling her tail. Thank the Lord, my neighbor had some guys working on her house, they heard all of the screaming and one of the guys came running over and somehow got Bow off this dog. There was blood everywhere and it was just a nightmare. The woman who owned the other dog was screaming at me, I was in tears and the she gets into this huge fight with my neighbor. Ugh……… was awful. The woman took her dog to the vet immediately and the dog is in pretty bad shape. Bow had a scratch on her eye so I called her owner and he sent his son to get her immediately. I told her owner I just couldn’t have her here anymore. I was in so much shock after keeping this sweet dog for two months now that she would do something so awful. I still feel horrible about the whole thing because ultimately it was my fault she got loose. Then to make matters worse, the woman tells me she’s going to sue me and all of this other mean stuff. I understand her being upset but she was just irrational. I thought to myself, “your dog is bleeding to death and you’re threatening me with a law suit???” Some people. So, Bow is gone now she’s with the owner’s son. The girls were just devastated as I. It was a horrible situation that I wish had never happened.

Then that night Kennedy was up every fifteen minutes screaming her head off. I was so stressed out from everything that it was really hard to be there for her because I was a wreck. But, we made it through the night from God’s grace. I took her the dr.’s yesterday morning and she has a double ear infection. I feel so bad for her, she’s just miserable. So, then I missed Hope’s Halloween party at school, which I just feel awful about. Thankfully my brother was able to go with her.

Kris had to work last night at the Fall Festival so Mike took the girls trick or treating while I passed out candy to the sworm of kids we had. I’ve never seen so many kids!!! Everyone was out of candy by 8pm. They had fun. Taylor was an angel, Hope was a rock-star bumblebee and Kennedy was a pumpkin, but she wouldn’t leave her hat on! =) SO, I think they had fun anyways despite all of the drama we’ve had this week.

When it rains it pours around here. Sometimes I don’t quite understand why but I’m trusting in Him to get me through all of this. I know He’s always looking out for us and our family. Needless to say, I had to cancel bible study Monday night after all of that happened. I felt really bad, I was looking foreword to our discussion. But hopefully everyone will be able to make it this next week. I guess what God has just said to me over and over the past two days is, I’m right here Nicki, I’m right here. It’s so funny because when I was running to get bow off of that other dog, I could surely feel His presence all around me. And that man was a God-send because I really could not have gotten Bow off that dog had he not been there to help me. God really is always there.

Well, I’m running late this morning, I’m sure my sugared-out kids are going to be FUN today! Have a good day everyone!




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