Unfailing Love


Unfailing Love

As I sit down this morning to start this day, I have to believe that I truly have felt God’s unfailing love this week. The more and more I grow and reach out to others, the more I see how we as Christians let each other down. I don’t say this in a negative way, I’m saying this in a positive…We are not perfect only Christ is. He is the only way we are ever going to experience that “unfailing love”. I read this verse that touched my heart so much: Psalm 143:8 “Let morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.” It continues down to verse 10, that is just awesome: “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.” Oh my soul just cries out for that “level ground” in my life. I don’t want to continue on a path of up and down, I want to be “level”. Of course I realize that my relationship with Christ and with others is always going to be challenged but, if I’m on that “level ground” life is going to be ok no matter what.

So what does that “level ground” mean exactly? My foot-notes in my bible lead me to another verses footnotes that says this: “A concluding confession of confidence and a vow to praise , where the going is smooth and free from the danger of falling.” The “going” definitely hasn’t been “smooth” around here this week. And apparently many of us are not having “smooth weeks”!!!! =) I have had MANY situations where I have not wanted to show the love of Christ to others! Perhaps while we were at Wal-mart waiting for a prescription that the lady told me 15 minutes it would be ready and it was an hour and half later. Or maybe while I was on hold for 35 minutes yesterday for the pediatrician only to be asked to hold again! Yes those are times where I wanted to follow my flesh! Or yesterday when all I wanted was my husband home to help me, someone at his work thought it would funny to take his keys and he ended up looking for them for an hour! This person obviously doesn’t see that stuff like that isn’t funny when you have three sick kids that you are trying to get home to. My point is every day we have chances to fall each day and we can choose not to. Our flesh is always going to urge us onto that bumpy ground. Yes, I could’ve snapped that that pharmacist but I’m sure my kids screaming for an hour while we waited was enough for her, or I could have complained to the dr.’s about being on hold forever and yes, I could call that person who took Kris’s keys and “let him have it” but honestly, what good would all that do? That’s why I love the first part of verse 8: “Let the MORNING bring me word of your unfailing love.” It is so refreshing each morning to sit down and start my day with Him. He is that refreshing water I need and crave each morning. He is never going to fail me, He will never make me wait to spend time with Him. He will never place me on hold, He will never lie to me, He will never speak in an ugly tone to me yes, He will never take Kris’s keys =), HE is the only “unfailing love” in my life. And through HIM He will lead me to that level ground each and every morning! So, life is just bumpy, it’s the way it is!!! =)

So anyways,Hope is feeling better, her bumps are still there but she is finally on the right meds that stop the itching. The med does make her a little loopy though! =) Taylor still isn’t feeling well, I’m sure by the end of today the antibiotics will kick in big time for her and she’ll be back to her normal self. Kennedy goes back today for a re-check of her ears. I hate to have to drag Taylor out, but what else can I do? I really hope Kennedy’s ear infection is gone. We have an appointment to see the ENT the day after Christmas. So, hopefully they will get these tubes in quickly! We have spent over a $150 THIS week on dr.’s appointments co-pays and prescriptions. I know I shouldn’t complain about the cost because so many people al over the world don’t even have the option of going to the dr.’s but, still…oh my goodness! I know God’s taking care of it though!!! I’m so thankful to have all of them on antibiotics so that we can be happy and healthy again.

Taylor is missing out on a lot this week due to this sickness, but maybe it’s a good thing that it’s slowing us down a bit. I’m not sure if I should let Hope go to this birthday party on Sat or not. I know the other moms might freak out if they see her rash. (it’s pretty bad) Well, I’d better go, sick kids are calling for me!

I hope you have a very blessed “on level ground” day!!! =)




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