God has heard his people's prayers!!!


God has heard his people's prayers!!!

Oh my heart is just overflowing with JOY right now!!! On Sunday afternoon I was at the team pictures and I saw my Sunday School teacher. I knew that she had been gone on a prayer retreat for the weekend so I asked her how it was. Her eyes got really BIG and she said GOD IS SO GOOD. Remember I told ya’ll a while ago to pray for our friends April and PR from our Sunday school class? They had kept a baby girl as a foster child in hopes of adoption but after a long year and a long battle the courts ended up giving the baby back to the dad. This was devastating as you can imagine. Well, April went on this prayer retreat. While she was there she recieved a phone call from her husband that someone had left a baby girl that was born Friday morning at home somewhere, at the hospital. No names, no nothing, just the baby. Guess what???? April and PR have this baby girl in their arms RIGHT NOW!!!!! Oh my…….tears are coming to my eyes at the awesome blessing that God has filled their broken hearts with. With the name Olivia GRACE, isn’t that just the right fit? God’s GRACE to us is so powerful that just when we think it’s all over, but we keep on trusting in Him, he answers and he answers!!! Oh I’m so excited I just can’t STAND IT!!! God’s working ya’ll, He’s right there working away in ways we cannot even begin to imagine! I just had to share that with you this morning.

This so ties in with what my quite time was about this morning! It was about hitting rock bottom. Ever been there? I have. Quite a few times in fact. But when we hit that rock, Christ is there, at the very bottom, our solid rock on which we stand. I like to picture myslef sitting upon that rock with no other place to go. And then Christ comes along, lifts me up off that rock and places me up again on His firm foundation. Oh what a sweet reminder of that through April and PR’s story!!! Oh my God is good, all the time, ALL the time God is good!

Nothing more to say this morning! Have a very blessed day!




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