Living with No Regrets


Living with No Regrets

Last night, as Kris was working very late trying to get up the new gym lights at the church, I was able to have some good alone prayer time. I wanted today to be covered in prayer, today is my interview with CMC. I’m not really nervous as I am anxious. I’m just so anxious to really see if this is what God has for me right now. It’s not what I envisioned but, it’s what God has laid before me, so I will pursue, trying to see if this door will open. But as I was praying, I noticed myself saying I was sorry for a whole lot. I want a life that is full of NO REGRETS. So, I started to ask God to show me how I can live that life. How can I go through every day and never regret anything I do or say? I don’t think I can ever fully live a life where I never do anything I regret but, I felt like what God was saying to me, is, If you trust me in everything you do, you’re not going to go wrong!

I’ve asked God to please not let anything interfere with this bible study he has led me to write and lead, and being able to still be with the girls during all their activities. I know I may miss out on a few things, but I just want these girls to know that they are important to me, and I never want to let a job take that place. I guess what the Lord is impounding in my heart this whole week has been, My faith needs to be a 100% sold-out faith. Trusting Him for everything and anything that my heart can imagine. And not just trusting him, but not questioning Him either! Why on earth would I ever think that I could have things “figured out” better than God??? He’s always got the WHOLE picture in mind, I always have the RIGHT NOW in mind!

Colossians 2:6 is an awesome verse here is what it says: “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness.”

I love it! I love when it says we are ROOTED and BUILT up in HIM. And that faith that we were taught was that of the Mustard Seed, that I looked at a few days ago, not so much the size but the quality of our faith. When I can align my life exactly like this verse says, my faith that is my “roots” to Him is going to be nothing but strengthened! Oh may my heart be FILLED with that overflowing thankfulness every day!!!

So that is how I can live a life with No Regrets. Walking and talking with the Lord every day all day, living by faith and not by sight, taking my faith daily to the next level. May I finally climb this mountain and place my flag on top! Oh there are many mountains to climb in my life but I feel like if I can get up this one, it’s all going to be down-hill from there!

Today is the last day of Christmas break for the girls. They really have been so good and I think they both needed a great deal of “down-time” as our schedules were getting a little crazy. Kris and I decided to keep Taylor out of ice-skating until cheerleading is over, just to keep things a little more simple. So now she just has two activities, Acting lessons and cheerleading! I know Hopie is ready to go back to pre-school. She’s been very moody, and I think it’s because her routine is all messed up. We spent the day yesterday cleaning our house from Top to Bottom and that meant her room. She screamed on the top of her lungs…”I HATE TO CLEAN!!!!” and then had a melt-down and then got a spanking. =) She shaped up after that. I think I’d been giving her to many warnings, she needed some serious business!

Kennedy has two more teeth popping through! She looks like the one-eyed monster, if you’ve ever seen his teeth! It’s her “I” teeth and her bottom front one, she looks funny! =) She’s learned a new word, NO. It’s so darn cute, I can’t help but laugh when she says it to the girls, even though I KNOW I shouldn’t. I got VERY upset with her yesterday as she broke our digital camera. She was sitting on my lap while I was typing an e-mail and she kept pressing the keys, I told her no, she got mad, so she reached for the camera and away it went, on the floor, cracked open. Now it won’t even turn on. Ugh…..I guess our tax returns will be paying for that! =)

Well, I guess I’d better go! I’ll update how things went tomorrow! Have a very faith-filled day, living with NO regrets!!! =)




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