

Oh it has been a trying week………after being cooped up in this house for three days now with sick girlys,up all night and still no answer about this job, my heart has been through it all(anger, sadness, frustration, jealousy……..)and I’ve really had quite a pity party for myself!

I took Taylor the dr.’s this morning and it looks like she just has a bad bug. I feel like whatever she has is the same thing Kennedy has had, she is doing much better today though. So of course Ms.Hopie being the middle child she is, has had “numerous” things wrong with her, since the baby and the oldest are the sick ones! Let’s see………yesterday we must have went through four band aids for a cut that was not visible to MY eyes, but oh it was there!, then she had “something” in her eye for about an hour, then her belly hurt…….she REALLY needed a Popsicle, oh the drama she brings is worse than the sickness from the other two!!! =)

So I was talking to my dear friend today and she said something really good. I was telling her how I feel like life is just on HOLD until I find out whether I got this part-time position or not. She said, No you need to live your life like you would anyways and when you find out you got the job, then you’ll change things to make the job work. So, just a few minutes ago, I really surrendered this all to him. So you will not hear my (see me) speak of this job again until God tells me, yes or no. There is nothing I can do or say, plead or beg, it’s all in His hands. I’m not going to think about it all day, worry about bills or anything else. God has provided this whole year I’ve been home with Kennedy, so He will see me through this small period of testing!

Ok so new subject………Did you see American Idol??? Whoa…….sometimes I sit there and I am just amazed at these people that come out to audition! I laughed until my belly hurt last night! I always enjoy watching the beginning shows with Kris, it gives us something to laugh at together, since most of the time things he thinks are funny I do not and vice verse!

Kennedy has learned a new trick……..she tries to snap her fingers at me when I tell her NO. Her daddy taught her that…..isn’t that just great??? So yesterday she was out the in hallway heading for the bathroom and I said, KENNEDY GRACE, NO and she she sat up oh so prissy and proceeded to snap her fingers at me!I seriously had to turn my head laugh hysterically and then tell her NO, in a very serious manner. Ok so it’s almost 2pm and I’ve done absolutely nothing around this house today, I’d better get busy! I’ll be up and at ’em first thing tomorrow morning. No more pity party!!! Have a blessed day!



One Comment

  • We have missed Taylor this week! I pray that things are much better for all of you – and I can’t balme you for not sending her out in this weather today – Hang in there and find JOY in all circumstances today. God bless –
    Kim Staples

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