

My oh my has it been a morning! All three girls are sick with this awful stomach bug. So, it’s almost 10:30 and I’ve been at it since about 2am with all three of them! Washing all the sheets, cleaning the carpet, washing the towels oh the many towels,giving a bath to each one, changing their clothes and then repeating the process about twice now!! In the midst of all this, the hospital calls me and offers me a position!! I almost didn’t answer the phone, not knowing if I could handle thinking about taking a job in the middle of all that. But, I did an God calmed the storm while I talked to my recruiter. I think I’m going to accept the position, there are just a few details they are trying to work out with benefits. I’m excited but also just very tired so it’s kinda hard to be excited!

So, with Kennedy down for a nap and the other two sipping on sprite, I have a few mintues to meet with my Lord. My focus has been hard to get to this morning. I guess, I’m still on this “high” of praying scripture that has just been so great for me. I was telling my friend about it this morning and it’s just so awesome to even speak about. The thing that I just keep getting more than anything is that my thoughts are not God’s thoughts and my ways are not His ways.

God seems to always be doing the opposite in my life. It’s the opposite of what I think is the best way or the best thing for me. Beth Moore says it like this: “If our thoughts, plans, schemes, and plots aren’t like God’s, we can bet our ways, paths, and routes won’t be either.” Hello! That was a huge light bulb moment for me!! God’s ways just happen, they are not as complicated as I make them to be. I’m forever trying to make my relationship with Christ complicated!

I end today with this verse from Psalm 86:11 “Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth, give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name.” I absolutely love that verse…so much of God teaching us things is simply asking Him to show us His way and then letting Him, not trying to “discover” whatever it is, just letting him show us, of course their are “actions” that come from that. But, if we walk in the truth, meaning not believing the many lies Satan tells us, we will have that “undivided heart” and the fear of the Lord that is right!

My prayer today:

My Sweet Father,

Thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for the warm sunshine as it truly warms my heart today! Lord, be with me today as I pray this verse and I seek your guidance, yes Lord, teach me your ways all day long, may I know your ways by walking in the truth always. Lord, I long for an undivided heart and the fear of your name that will come along with that! Thank you for this blessing today. I love you!!




One Comment

  • So sorry to hear that Taylor is sick. Jenica, her good friend, was out today too! Stay well – somehow this has not affected me or my family yet! Please pray that it does not.
    So glad other things are going well – God is so good!

    Kim Staples

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