God is so good


God is so good

I’m SOOO thankful this morning….EVERYONE slept through the night last night!! This is HUGE, it’s like the first time in weeks someone hasn’t woken up. Prayer ya’ll….prayer!!!! I’ve decided to keep Taylor home again today though, she still was feeling pretty awful last night and about 7:00 she and Hope told me she wanted to go to bed and that’s not like them at all! I feel bad that she’s missing her chapel today but, I know Mrs.Staples will appreciate me keeping the germs at home!! =) But hopefully today she will start to perk up, she’s got a busy weekend!

This morning my quite time was just that……..quite. It was so awesome. Just to wake up feeling refreshed and spending time with God, nothing gets better than that!! Today God was showing me through this Living Free study, “The weapons of warfare”. Beth Moore is talking about strongholds throughout this whole study and even though she hasn’t said to do this, I really had to stop this morning and figure out what the strongholds in my life are. Oh my….there are many!! I think the biggest one is this weight loss, it really effects so much of my life. There are MANY more but I feel like my weight is at the center of most issues I have. But I know through Christ there is victory to be found, and I have experienced many victories already. Someday I just think this mountain is a BIG one, and it is, it’s going to take time to get over it. I loved how she described a building that needs to be torn down the only way to do it is through dynamite, you can stand there all day screaming at that building, but it’s only going to fall down if it’s blown up, and that’s what need…..to break free of these strongholds, dynamite=God’s word!! That together with prayer, a perfect combination!!

So many times you’ve heard the phrase two are better than one…….and that is exactly the case with prayer and PRAYING scripture!! Beth said something else that I just had to share….”It is never the will of God for warfare to become our focus. The fastest way to lose our balance in warfare is to rebuke the devil more than we relate to God.” Isn’t that the TRUTH!!! If I spend all day walking around rebuking the devil, he’s winning, my focus isn’t on God and His word, it’s on Satan. And it’s through prayer and scripture that I will discover that pure intimacy with God, Him knowing me and Me knowing Him. It’s God redirecting my life, reshaping me, leading me in HIS ways.

I’m still having a rough time knowing whether or not I should accept this position at the hospital. I know it’s going to help us buying our house and get back on our feet. But I still can’t help but think that this home business is what God has for me. He is certainly blessing it already and I can’t wait to see what else He does with it! But, I know it’s not reliable money and of course I can still do it if I accept this position. It’s only 16 hours a week! Not a LOT. There I go again…making things complicated!! But nothing has been simple with this hospital! I don’t know…..this is one issue I don’t have an answer to.

Well, it’s been good to be in God’s presence this morning! Thanks for reading and letting me share my heart with you! If you read this blog, it really does mean a lot to me! Thanks! Have a blessed day!!!




  • Thanks for stopping by my post yesterday! This is a great reminder. I need to remember that God should be my focus. If I keep my focus on Him, He will give me the strength to face the battles I encounter!!

  • Tell Taylor that we missed her – Jenica was not there again either. Please let Taylor’s grandparents know that they are welome to come by for lunch.


  • Hi Nicki! I just wanted to pop into your place and say thank you for visiting my blog! Do you click on ‘random’ on the CWO and hit new sites? I do that and really enjoy some of the blogs I stumble upon.

    I hope you’ll come back and visit me soon. And I really pray your girls are feeling better!

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