Hey Everyone!!! Happy “love ya” day (as we say in our house)!!! I just love Valentine’s day, simply because it just seems like the whole world is in love, or at least all the stores and commercials make it seem that way! =) I awoke this morning to a LOVELY surprise. And I have to first start off by saying that this is HUGE from my hubby, I have had many disappointing holidays, but I think he finally got how important days like today are to me! He had a sweet card that says surprises are to follow throughout the day!!! And my FAVORITE coffee ever, Dunkin Doughnuts!!! He says that I’m to expect something delivered to the house today (I just hope it doesn’t come while I’m at the girl’s parties) and then a surprise later tonight!! I had a small clue with my coffee, there was a necklace made of Kix cereal! He said that was my necklace that I’ve been going ON AND ON about the past few months! so is that a clue??? or is he trying to throw me off??? He really went all out to make that necklace too! SOOO excited!!!
Taylor seemed to have a skip in her walk this morning, she was so funny last night as she was getting her Valentine’s ready for today. She seriously picked out each one that she thought each of her classmates would enjoy. She even gave the ones that don’t like chocolate ones with a sucker! She’s so thoughtful. And Ms.Hopie, she enjoyed putting her Valentine’s together as well. Kennyboo…….she just liked making a mess!! =)
Well, enough about Valentine’s day……..this morning my quiet time is on Digging for Treasure. I thought it was very fitting for this day! =) Yesterday I was talking to a friend and we were discussing our quite times. So many days I’m good at reading scripture and applying it to my life, but I neglect just to sit before the throne of grace. I find it very easy to get up in the morning and read God’s word but when I stop and pray for a while my mind just seems to wander off. So then, I started writing my prayers. I think that this is good and it’s helpful, but I felt like I was missing the “presence of God” on paper. But my friend is opposite, she is awesome about praying, I can’t tell you how many times where we’ve been on the phone and she’s said, Ok let’s just stop right now and pray about that. She is one of those “pray without ceasing” kinda girls.
Then I stopped myself this morning and I said, you know what, I don’t have to have this LONG drawn out time of prayer that I feel like I need to have each day. I can pray all day long. So yes, God’s word contains many treasures for our hearts to experience each day. There is wisdom found in God’s word but there is grace, peace and joy found in God’s presence. So yesterday as I was dealing with a heart that was very heavy I really tried to pray all day long. Then this morning, I woke up and my heart is still a bit heavy about what this person did, but I have found peace with it, knowing that God is going to take care of it. And each time Satan pops in a thought in my head that isn’t nice about this person, I can quickly run to the throne of grace and ask for forgiveness and pray for God to remove this person from all thoughts. And I think that’s the key in healing hurt when an I’m sorry hasn’t been said, and proabably won’t ever be said.
Here’s a quote I wanted to share with you this morning:
“When reading God’s word, take special care To find the rich treasures hidden there; Give thought to each line, each precept clear, the practice it well with goldy fear.”-Anon
Well, I’d better go……Kennedy just dumped a whole bowl of cereal on the floor. Oh joy. Have a blessed day!!!
So glad you could make it to the party today – the kids were precious today – weren’t they? I had the same revelation about the world today – we should wake up every morning excited about sharing God’s love – that was my challenge to my little first graders today.
Did I tell you how skinny you looked today? Your girls are beautiful and so sweet – and yes, Sam can marry Taylor someday. 🙂
so glad to be sharing this year with you guys….
Kim Staples
You are so funny! I just love you!!
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