Tackle Tuesday


Tackle Tuesday

Yes, there are many tasks to be tackled today! I didn’t get a lot done yesterday, that seems to be the problem with going to the Y later in the morning. But I went! It felt really good to work-out and surprisingly I’m not to sore this morning. Just a little. So by the time I got home, got a shower and got the girls lunch and cleaned up a bit, it was time to pick up from school. So I realize that I need to be up early tomorrow and get to the Y by 7:45 to get my workout in before Hope’s pre-school starts. It’s the only way I get things done around here! One day down, three to go this week, my mini goal!!

Last night I was able to spend some time with a good friend, my coaching buddy. We had a coaches’ meeting thing but stayed at the restaurant WAY after everyone left, just chatting away! I needed that too, sometimes I get so caught up with all these girlys things that I don’t just go and have a good time myself. We just talked and talked about everything under the moon! I even had a headache when I got home from talking so much!!! =) But it was good to get away from all of this madness, for a couple of hours.

God is SO good!! I want to write about the exciting thing he is doing in my life right now, but I will share all the details later! But I’m finally getting a breakthrough in what I think I’m supposed to be doing to bring in money right now. I’ve asked God for three confirmations and so far I’ve got ONE REALLY BIG ONE. Do you think that’s wrong to ask God for a specific number of confirmations? I’ve shared before that I’m so afraid to make a mistake and not do what God has told me, that I feel like at this point in my life, I need these confirmations just to keep moving foreword. I don’t know…..let me know what you think about that, should we ask God for confirmations on decisions we are making???? I think so, but I’d love to know your thoughts.

So this morning I’m in Luke reading about the ten men that were healed from leprosy. This passage reminds me about giving God the glory and praise for everything He does in our lives. Out of the ten men that were healed only one came back and thanked Jesus for what he had done. My heart becomes sad to think about all the time that we as Christians don’t recognize when God has done something amazing in our lives and we don’t give God the glory, we give ourselves or others the glory. I was talking to a sweet friend of mine the other day and she was sharing with me a very hard time of her life. I was so amazed because before she even shared this story with me the first thing out of her mouth was, “But, I give God ALL the glory for everything He has done for me.” She ACCEPTED and RECOGNIZED God’s grace to her through tragedy after tragedy in her life!!!

I thought to myself, you know, that’s what it’s all about! It’s about taking the bad, turning it around and giving God the glory for it. It’s about taking off the veils of shame and saying, You know what, I haven’t had a perfect life, but here’s what God has done with me! That’s the legacy I want to leave with my girls! God’s grace is always enough for me! His grace is there, just waiting for us to grab onto it and not to let go. If we can claim His grace, we can receive His grace! MMM……Good stuff this morning!

Well, I guess I’d better go and tackle all these tasks today. Guess what’s first???? LAUNDRY. Oh joy oh joy. I hope you have very blessed day!!!




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