When is enough, enough?


When is enough, enough?

This morning I’m in the book of Proverbs 1:19, my devotion is on greed. I must say I’m really not one that has a “greedy” heart. I have a heart that has desires, of course, but the point where we are at in our lives is more of a “needy” heart than a “greedy” heart. I don’t know if any of you watched Oprah with Paula Dean last week, (LOVE Paula) but she was on there telling her success story. Paula’s idea of success is just about the same as mine……she just wanted to be at the point where if she needed to go to the grocery store on Wednesday and payday wasn’t until Friday, she could go. That’s the way I feel right now…..I just want enough, enough to get by and maybe have a little extra to just have fun with.

But when is enough, enough? Has God met all of my needs today? Absolutely. Has He met all of my wants? No. And I have to say even some of my wants tend to be needs right now, but the bottom line is, God has provided for today. We have clothing on, heat on, power on, food to eat…….HE has supplied all of my needs for today. That brings me to Matthew 6:25. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important that clothes?” Yes, indeed God has met my needs today. Thank you Lord.

Ok SG (switch gears)………I have to post my update on this weight loss. FIRST, WHERE ARE MY ACCOUNTABILITY GIRLS???? I NEED SOME ACCOUNTABILITY!!!!! I have not lost anything in almost THREE weeks now. I know part of that is because bible study hasn’t met in two weeks. (that’s where we weigh in) But I know it’s not y’all fault, this is my job to get this weight off. I think I know what has happened. The first 15 came off fairly quickly, I really wasn’t doing much to get it off. I think it was the rest of Kenney boo’s baby weight. So now I’m stuck trying to get off Hopie’s baby weight (hee hee……..she’s four!) But what I’m trying to get at, is I think I’ve got to step it up with the exercise. I’ve been walking here and there but I really haven’t been doing any kind of exercise. So……the dreaded decision of the day, to go the Y or not?? I’ve got 30 more to go and I’m not going to give up. I can’t give up, I’ve worked to hard to get that first 15 off. I need to make a small goal……let’s see…….I will go to the Y at least three times this week. Then I’ll see what’s up next week when I weigh in. I also haven’t been all that great at drinking my water. I’ve been pushing the soda quite a bit again. I need to stop that. No matter how bad the headache will be!!! Ok back on track today!

We had a good weekend. Taylor had her game on Saturday, they had a new routine for half-time and I think they did great. It’s so hard to see everything from where I sit as I’m trying to get them all in the same direction! I have just had the best time coaching these girls! My friend and I have decided that we will continue this each year with our daughters, it’s a great bonding experience. But my only delima is……what’s gonna happen when all three want to cheer? I guess I’ll have to try and have at least two of them on the same squad and maybe “help” with the other squad. Kennedy is absolutely hilarious with this cheerleading. She gets RIGHT into it with all the girls!

Our other big news of the weekend, Taylor finally lost her first tooth! Well, technically it’s the second but the first one didn’t count,(she fell and the dentist had to pull it out because when she fell she bumped it and it turned purple) So she was VERY excited, but it was much drama…..oh my….you would have thought she was giving birth to a baby! She doesn’t have a high tolerance for pain. Not that I think a tooth coming out hurts THAT bad!!! Girls, Girls, Girls!!!

Well, I guess I’d better go and get ready to go to the Y. I’m SURE I’ll be nice and sore tomorrow. yea……..=) I know….I’ll feel much better about this after I get it done! I hope you have a very blessed “needs….not greed” day.




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