John cont…


John cont…

Ok, no sleeping in today, the Lord has woken me up bright and early! Whew……..after the couple of days I had I don’t dare miss my quiet time today! =)

So today we are in verses 19-34. Obviously I’m not going to write the whole passage out here on this blog! Just to give an abbreviated version of what’s going on: John is still out and about preaching about Christ and the coming of Christ. It seems like word is starting getting out about him because in verse 19 it starts off by sharing with us that priests and Levites were asked by the Jews who this man was. John firmly tells them and says it over and over, “I’m not the Christ, I’m not a prophet, I’m just here to lead the way for Christ.”

To me it seems like John is a very humble man. He isn’t one to say, “Look at me, Look at this message I have! I’m somebody!” In verse 27 John says this, “He is the one who comes after me the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” Back in those days the task of untying a sandal was a that of a slave, so for John to put himself lower than a slave shares with me that he was in a humble, humble state. This is all happening in Bethany on the other side of the Jordan.

I went to Jordan when I was in high school on a mission trip. In fact I had the great honor of being baptized in the Jordan river, yes the same river where Jesus himself baptized believers. If I can just take you there for a moment and share the beauty and the peace that is all around that place. I will never forget that day. It was warm and the water was cool, not to cool just right. My youth pastor was actually the one that did it. Now granted, it is quite a “touristy” place, there still is something so peaceful and just gracious about the Jordan river. Now, granted they were on the other side of the Jordan, but I’m still sure it looks pretty much the same! =)

As we head down to verse 29, here’s where all of John’s prophesies finally come true! The bible says the very next day after all that questioning from the Jews and the Levites, did Christ show himself to John. This is what it says, “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look , the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! This is the one I meant when I said A man who comes after me has surprassed me because he was before me. I myself did not know him but the reason I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Isreal.”

Oh my! Can you imagine the excitement that John must have felt at that moment?!!! And it doesn’t say, Oh I THINK I see Christ coming……….no! He’s like LOOK!!! THERE HE IS!!! I can almost feel the joy that John must have experienced that his belief had finally come to reality! I imagine many people must have thought he has lost his mind! But fianlly Christ was there and John recognized him with NO question. I think about times where Taylor or Hope have told me about something and I really didn’t believe them…….it was like I was just nodding and saying mm hmm, but then when whatever it is they have told me about, when I realize it’s true they are SO EXCITED. I imagine that is how John felt, Like SEE!!! THERE HE IS!!!

Well, I’m gonna have to stop there for today. I just love John’s heart, he’s just so guinuine. It’s so good to be up in God’s word this morning. I know that no matter what comes at me today I’m ready, I’ve got this sheild of Faith up and ready. There are still so many unanswered requests on my heart. There are still many things that are bothering me, but I’m so glad that my JOY has been restored this morning. God is so good, he is just precious to my soul, He fills me up when I feel just this….empty.

Bible study was awesome last night. We really just had fun together. The Beth Moore book Living Free we are doing is just so good. Last night we talked about strongholds and putting up our “gear” to overcome these strongholds in our lives. We face so many each day,whether we admit it or not. I think about how so many times I don’t immediately put up my sheild of Faith and walk in the light and how I allow things to get to my heart and just crush my spirit. One of these days…….I’ll get it right!! =)

Blessings to you this precious day my friend!! I hope your day is filled with the JOY of Christ always!!




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