A break at last!


A break at last!

Whew………this is the first time I’ve even had a second to check e-mails and stuff. The past four days seem like a blur………….We JUST finished everything at our house about an hour ago. We tried to get everything done Saturday but it was to much……Kris had to work yesterday so he took the day off today to finish up all the “little junk” as I say. We are almost all settled at my mom’s house. The first night was a little rough, Kennyboo thought her and I were having a sleepover since we are in the same room together! =) I kid you not, Sunday at 1:30 in the morning she was STANDING in her pack n play spitting at me!!!!! That girl………….mmmmm!!!! Of course I had to threaten everyone’s life last night before bed……….THIS MOMMA NEEDS HER SLEEP!!! =)

Taylor and Hope are ok, they are still adjusting to everything. So…….so far so good. It feels really weird not having a home though, that’s the only bad part. Hope said to me yesterday, “I just wanna go home…….”, broke my heart!!! Taylor asked me today if we’ve found a house yet!! I laughed at her!! Kris and I looked at each other last night with the SAME thought in our heads…….”is it July yet???” =) I know, I know……..enjoy this time right??? It really hasn’t been bad, it’s actually been fine, it’s just an adjusting time!!

I have some news I want to share with you. If you read this blog, you mean something to me. It means you care about my life, so I’m so glad I can “kinda” share what’s going on………this “situation b” I’ve been talking about, and asking for MUCH prayer for is about my brother, Mike. Hence the “b” in situation. Since most of our family now knows what is going on, I feel like it’s ok to tell you that it’s him. I still don’t want to share ALL the details. If you would please, just stop for a moment in your day today, and just pray for God’s healing touch in his life. He has gone away for awhile, which is very necessary, but the burden I have for him is overwhelming. He’s just needs God’s precious touch on his life, his heart and body healed and he needs to be made new again. That is my prayer for him. For God to renew his spirit.

So, I’ll try to keep you updated as much as I can without invading his space. I don’t want to share to much but I KNOW he would appreciate your prayers for him. I was talking to a friend the other day and she said something that really stuck with me………”you really can feel the days where you’ve been lifted up by others…..” isn’t that the truth??? I’ve often told myself that every time a person pops into my head, I really should be lifting them up not just wondering what they are up to! I think the holy spirit works in big ways and one of them may be just a simple reminder of that person who needs prayer.

Well my friends, I wish I could sit and chat all day, but I must go……….even here, duties await!! I also have an exciting business opportunity that I must jump on!!! It couldn’t be worse timing, but I gotta figure it out, I can’t miss this chance!!! I hope tomorrow I’ll be back in the morning for my quite time, I’m still trying to figure out when and how I’m going to do it, with Kennedy in our room it’s going to be very tricky to have an alarm going off before I want her up! I need some HOLYSPIRIT alarms!!! =) Have a very blessed day!!




  • Nicki – He knows your heart and your situation. He will wake you up if that is what He needs from you right now. He may ask that you be creative with your time and see if another time might work… Don’t get pinned down in legalism. Been there – yucky!!

    Isaiah 50:4-5 – “He awakens me morning by morning” – very specific time in my life He used this verse to confirm I was suppose to have a morning quiet time. Say that scripture out loud claiming that He can wake you morning by morning… Then don’t forget to listen for those birds, clock ticking, etc… He gets very creative in waking us up!!

    Can’t wait to hear how He reveals you what your next few months will be like.. Love you!!!

    OH yeah – thanks for the comment of the purse – maybe you need to put up a piture so they know which cute one you got… hee hee – thanks

  • Praying for Mike…going to do just that right now! I’ve missed your blog…been scattered and sick this past week…I still am, so more vitamins for me! Praying for this in-between time to be one that is a blessing and time to know something new about God and His love for you!
    Love in Him,
    PS I went to high school with a Cathy Chevalier in East Texas …are you related?

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