God's healing touch


God's healing touch

Yesterday I received some horrible news. I cannot share the details but, it’s horrible. Someone extremely close to me is not well. I tell you this to ask…….please pray. God knows the specifics, I don’t have to share…………. I’m very disturbed and not really sure why all this is happening to this person. Well, I do know why, this person has fallen deeply far away from the Lord, I feel God is trying to call this person back into his arms, but this person just keeps getting further away and now things are really bad. I ask you this, please just stop for a moment and pray for God’s healing touch, that’s what’s needed more than anything, God’s precious touch.

You know, God always shows up right where I need him the most and this morning as I drew my bible close to me I opened up to John and I’m in chapter 5 now, the title of this chapter is called The Healing at the Pool, not ironic…………God. Jesus was at Jerusalem and there was a pool of water where all the disabled people came. Jesus saw a man lying on a mat and asked him, “Do you not want to be well?” The man replies that he has no one to help him get into the pool of water. Jesus says, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk!” And just like that, the man was healed and walked! Once again I see, Jesus simply spoke something and it was. But here is what really struck home with me this morning, in verse 14 listen closely to what Jesus says, “Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him ‘See you are well again, stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.’ The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.”

When I think about this person I think about this man here in this chapter. You see, God has the power to simply speak and make us well, or he may chose different ways or people to make us well. God has already made this person so close to me well before and yet this person did not turn from their ways. And I feel like that warning that Jesus says, “See you are well again, stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.”, has come true for this person. And then I think about my own life and the times where God has set me free from something, and yet I choose to go around the same mountain yet once again. And the second time around the mountain is a lot harder than the first!

You see we are so quick to run to the Lord when we need a miracle……and then we get it! And what do we do with it? We have two options, we stand at a crossroad, and sometimes we take the wrong road once again. I have been at that crossroad more than once. I believe, oh I believe that the God I serve is the God of second, third and fourth chances, but that warning, oh it sticks with me. Yes, God is forgiving and Yes, God can set us free, but often the choices that we make fulfill our destiny, not God saying, “Here you go!” Of course everything that happens is all in God’s hands, and He has the ability to stop things but our God is also a good of free choice.

I think about God’s grace when I write this morning. Oh God’s grace is so good, so perfect and so loving. Not matter what happens in life, God’s grace is right there waiting for us to grab on and go for the ride of our lives! So that is where I stand this morning, holding on for God’s healing touch. Praying for God’s healing touch but more importantly, holding onto the grace that God offers EACH DAY. No matter how much I or anyone else messes up, God’s grace is right there, just waiting for me to grab it. I grab it hard this morning, I grab it with all my heart.

I’m off to take Kennedy to the dr’s this morning. She has had severe stomach problems for awhile now. I hope the dr can try and explain and we can figure something out. Bless her sweet heart, she is really trying to walk, she is changing each day. I’ve seen her cross from the baby to the toddler just the past few weeks. It’s so funny, how she tries to say each word and points to things. I think this might be my favorite age……..but I don’t know…….it’s all pretty good! =) Well, I pray you have a very blessed day!

Walking by faith, not by sight




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