I promised myself that I would not get emotional over this move……..but it’s happening. Today I am sad, and I think it’s ok to be sad, just not dwell in it. I really like this neighborhood and my neighbors, and we’ve had many good memories here. It’s strange but as I was taking Hope to pre-school this morning, I feel like an “outsider”, like I don’t feel like this is my home anymore…….it’s not. This will be my last blog entry until we get settled. Kris has off tomorrow and we plan on getting everything except our bed out. The girls are going to my mother-in-laws tomorrow night, Kris has a race Saturday morning so I’ll get up early and get the whole house sparkling clean. OH WHAT FUN. =)
It’s so hard to see another chapter come to an end but it’s exciting to see a new one open up. I feel this sense of relief beginning financially, which is a good thing. Yesterday after I picked Taylor up from school we went straight to the park to enjoy the wonderful day God had given us. I realized it had been to long since we just went and did something fun. We had a great time and it gave us a chance just to breathe! I noticed HUGE changes in their attitudes that night. Even Kennyboo seems sweeter today! =)
I’ve decided I will continue to do Ebay this summer, but I will wait until school gets out which is only a few more weeks, to get started again. Hopefully I can contribute to our down payment funds!! And I will begin to write my next bible study this summer as well. I have NO idea what it’s going to be about………but I know that God’s given me a message before and if I will seek Him, He will do it again. I have some ideas, but I don’t want to write about my ideas, I want it to be God’s idea!!! I was checking out this e-book stuff………it seems pretty cool. Although my latest phase is this you tube stuff!!! I just LOVE IT!!! I wish I was talented enough to know how to do something like that, maybe my smart hubby could figure it out!!
Well, I’ve got a lot to do, but I’d really just love to sit here and chat with you all day!!! But I know this stuff isn’t going to get done with me just sitting here! I’ll be back………..sometime next week!! Have a blessed couple of days!!
Praying for all your details!!!
I will miss reading with you in the mornings – but i know you will be back – you better be back!!
Have fun, breath, and know He is blessing you all even in the midst of chaios!!!
(I sure wish “comments” had spell check!!!
Love you – just an email away!
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