Pouring into Him


Pouring into Him

I couldn’t help but smile yesterday as I read Beth Moore’s blog, she was talking about how when her girls were little her journals were filled with prayers for more sleep……..I can TOTALLY relate to that this week. Ms.Hope was up again last night, throwing up. It’s all very strange, no fever, and no sickness just this middle of the night throwing up again. I was talking to a friend yesterday about the girl’s and she said something that I really think could be the issue. Apparently it’s horrible to give young children Splenda. I had NO idea. The girls drink those water caprisuns that are filled with Splenda. Plus almost everything I give them is sugar free. So this splenda thing very well could be the issue. All I can do is try and eliminate it. But until then…….oh my I’m tired!

Yesterday was just a beautiful day outside. I just LOVE spring, except for allergies! It was amazing but just as about the time the sun was up and shinning my soul began to be filled again as well. This has been a tough week, but I’m believing that things are going to get better, and I know that no matter what happens, this situation is covered in prayer. I also went back to Weight Watchers last night. It was so hard to make that decision. But, I had to, I was heading down a path of destruction with food again. It was really good, the leader was super nice and very funny. Plus it was just good to get away from all of this at home for a few hours. So, end verdict, I’ve gained a few pounds back but I’m back on track today! I also have found a double jogging stroller which will eliminate my excuses for not running, since I thought the Y was making the girl’s sick, but I’m not sure now. We pick up the stroller on Sunday so Hope and Kennedy can jog with me and Taylor! =) I’m not kidding when I say to you that Taylor can run longer than I can, that girl just has it in her blood!

Yard Sale is tomorrow, I’m so thankful that God has heard my prayers for the weather to clear! Let’s just hope that it’s a big success, I’m at the point now where I don’t care how much money we get for everything, I just want it gone! I’m ready to get to my parents house and get settled and start saving money!!! =) I’m so sad to leave this neighborhood but I know God’s got something big planned. I know he has the perfect house, I’m praying, believing and receiving!

No matter how tired I am this morning and how much I have to do today, I was just craving the Lord this morning. More than anything. You know how when you start to put everything in line in life, it all starts to look more clearly? As I sat down this morning and opened up my Living Free bible study, oh my……..God has spoken. The title of today’s devotion was A Picture of Satisfaction. All about being hungry for Him. Nothing in this life can satisfy me more than just a few moments alone with Christ. No possession, relationship, goal, money or food can fill me up the way the Lord does. I think about many others around me who have fallen into the “just gotta have” trap. I too have fallen into that trap. We think that we have to have it all, to be satisfied. We don’t. We already do have it all, right in God’s precious words.

As Kris and I have been deciding what price range we need to be in for our next house, it’s been a hard process. You know the world tells us, “Live it up!”, buy the biggest house you can, the nicest car you can and oh, your kids HAVE to be “involved”. But you know what I’ve realized? Since we’ve had a period of quietness with the girls (meaning they are not involved in a million things), we have been ABLE to put things in perspective. Now, I think they definitely need to have their activities, but I was getting to a point where we had to many activities. It’s been kind of nice now just bringing Taylor home from school and letting her and Hope just be sissy’s. I guess I’ve seen the importance for us personally just to live a little more simple. (not that life is ever simple with kids!) It’s also allowed me to see what direction God is leading me in my personal life.

Will we fall into the trap again? I’m sure we will, and it will probably happen like it did before, without knowing it until one day you just go…..Whew…….to much! But I can know this, that this morning God has required for me to find satisfaction in Him. He wants to satisfy my soul, he wants to find me faithful. Well, I’m off to finish all these tasks today! The list keeps getting longer! But victory is coming! And God’s blessings……..they’re on the way! Have a great weekend! Blessings to you today!

~Walking by faith and not by sight,




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