What God requires, I must desire


What God requires, I must desire

What God requires………..I must desire. Those have been the thoughts Christ has been pouring into my heart this morning. I have recently come to accept the fact that I have issues with trust. Not necessarily trusting in God, but others. I have been let down to many times, is what my heart says. But yesterday, I received so more bad news about this situation, (I’m going to refer to this situation as “Situation B”, just for future reference). What long day it was, worrying, praying, seeking, talking, just a long day. And then this morning, I thought, you know what? Yes, I was right to not have trust in “Situation B”, but my trust should always be that God is going to work. But, yesterday I had no desire to trust in anyone.

So last night, I went for a drive before weight watchers. I was BURNED out with the girl’s and just needed to get away for a little bit. As I was driving, the rain was pouring down, and the song Grace like rain came to me. No matter what the outcome of “situation B” is going to be, God’s going to show this whole family His Grace. His Grace is and always has been SO GOOD TO ME. And then I thought, God requires me to trust in Him through ALL situations. And I guess I “know” this, but I don’t experience it in everything in life.

Weigh in was last night, I was so excited, I lost 4.4!!!! AND, God sent this super sweet lady to sit right next to me. At first, I was like, UGH………I don’t feel like talking to anyone, why is she sitting by me??? And then I realized God had sent her to answer a prayer of mine! This dog has been driving me UP THE WALLS. He’s so sweet, but he’s SO BAD. We have tried everything with him, but nothing seems to be working. In fact I was seriously thinking about giving him away. So, this woman says to me, “Have you been doing this long?” I almost laughed and said yes, my whole life, but I didn’t, we starting talking about things and I found out she has three boys exactly the same age as my girls, and she has a golden retriever puppy who is six months old, ours is eight! So, she was SO HELPFUL. She gave me some great ideas!!! And as I left there, I thought, WOW God, in this midst of all that is going on today, you sent me this simple blessing. I wasn’t even thinking about that dog as I entered weight watchers. It was the LAST thing on my mind, but God knew that it had been really bothering me and He sent a blessing through it!

Isn’t that just like God’s precious grace??? In the midst of a battle to bring a blessing? I was so joyful as I left, I almost felt like I had just left church! No matter where we are, God can speak, and sometimes in very unusual ways! Well gotta run, lot’s going on today. Have a super blessed day!!!




  • I’m so glad God sent someone to love on you! Sometimes people hurt and sometimes situations do, but we need both to grow. I’m praying for God to bless your family! So proud of the 4.4!! Woohoo!
    Have a great weekend with your family!
    Love in Him,

  • Nikki,
    We once adopted a two year old golden – she was wonderful – so I thought two would be better and I went out and got a retreiver puppy as company to the older one – HUGE MISTAKE – the puppy drove us nuts! Chewed the door frames on the new house – porch railings – drove our two year old dog CRAZY – the puppy went to a friend who had more patience and a bigger yard – Hang in there – they are the most onderful dogs after the first 16 – 18 months. You will love having a family dog soon – they are SUPER with children. Have a blessed weekend!
    Kim Staples

  • Hey Kim!!!

    I know your right!! I just have to make it through a couple more months!!! Do you still have that dog? Or did you get rid of him?

  • Had to get rid of her when we surrendered to full time ministry and moved to Charlotte in 97. One of our teens in our youth group adopted her and from time to time I would visit her when we returned home. She loved Wade and he played with her a lot because he spent a lot of time at our house. Wish we had the yard now for one. Praying for you during this transition – God is going to bless you and I can’t wait to hear about it when HE does!

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