This week the theme in my life is going to be victory! Victory in ALL situations, ALL emotions, ALL problems, ALL EVERYTHING. I want victory and I’m claiming it this morning. I’m prepared to put up my shield because I realize that I will probably go under attack even more this week than last (which is hard to swallow!), but I WILL be victorious in my life this week!! I want victory in my quiet times, victory in weight loss, victory in wise spending (we are on a super tight budget now, due to the unexpected car stuff!), victory in my marriage, victory with my girl’s and victory with my ebay business (getting back on the wagon this week)!
I have been fighting this “life-style” change that God has called me to do. The spending, the running around crazy, the busyness of life, God has called me to a period of quietness and I have fought it with all my might, but I realized something this morning, Victory often requires sacrifice!!! And if that means I have to sacrifice my sanity so that we are able to save enough for our down payment, then so be it!! =) If I have to be quiet and still for God to speak through me, then so be it!!! If I have to work out every day to get this weight off, then so be it!!
I saw a friend of mine on Saturday and ya’ll I have to tell you that little green monster was eating me up……….I thought, well, if her kids can be involved in everything and she still has time to exercise and work full time, then I can do it too!!! And God said………no Nicki, you can’t. And that’s the truth. Whenever I busy myself so much something is always lacking and normally it’s my time with God.
What God is showing me is how to breathe in Him. How to make each breath I take a breath of fresh air from Him. My prayers have been weak, my faith has been weak, and you know what??? My victory’s have been weak and very few too!! We cannot let our situations rule our victories, we just can’t. Because our situations are always going to be complicated, I think I’m finally starting to realize that……..nothing is ever going to be smooth sailing, I don’t know why I ever thought it would be!!! =)
So this week, I’m believing with all my heart these things, 1. My brother is going to experience a victory in his life, he is going to defeat this battle!!! I’m claiming it!!! 2. I’m going to lose some kind of weight, even if it’s only a pound no matter what!! 3. My ebay lot is going to do awesome this week and I’m going to that store manager about these bows again, she approached me, got me very excited and then left the answer up in the air……..I’m getting an answer and if she says no, I’m going somewhere else. (I never even thought about retail with these bows until this manager approached me, so maybe God was telling me it’s time to expand my territory, but of course involved with that is often rejection) 4. I’m going to spend some awesome time with God this week, to work on HIS bible study, no matter how hard it is to find time alone with Him, I will do it!!! 5. We will save this week, we WILL save this week!!!
I had a great Mother’s day, the girls always say and make such nice things for me!!! They were so funny!!! Taylor really tried so hard to be on her best behavior and say nice things to me all day………..Hope….she’s not there yet!!! =) I was hoping that Ms.Kennyboo was going to take a step……..but oh no! She’s not there yet!!! I’m starting to wonder if this child is EVER going to walk……..even though Taylor was a late walker by now (15 months) she was at least taking steps!!! Kennedy just has NO desire to walk………none. She’s not even pulling herself up very much. I guess she just figures she doesn’t have a need to walk yet, even though her little knees get so bumped up!! How was your Mother’s day??? Any fun stories to share???
Well, I’m off, I’ve got victorious things to get done today!!! =) Well, a trip to the grocery store that MUST be spirit led!!! =) SAVE SAVE SAVE is the theme for the next few weeks!!! So that means hitting more than one store usually with coupons in hand!!! I hope you have a very blessed and victorious day!! Thanks to everyone for all the encouraging comments and e-mails!! They just blessed my soul!!! Whoever would have thought that a blog would lead to SO MUCH encouragement!!! =) THANK YOU!!!!
Good morning. I was about to head out the door to get some cleaning supplies and a vacuum cleaner- and I saw your comment.
So real quick. We live about 30 minutes outside of New Orleans. So our house that was already old took a beating by some big pine trees during Katrina. We lived in our damaged house for over a year before we got our SBA loan (2.67%–a gift from God. How good things can come out of bad.)worked and found a camper to live in. We have been in it since December. It has not been bad. Boy could I talk about some lesson God is teaching me.
Our new home got delayed because of a well problem. Fast forward to my 91 year old father-in-law having no place to go when my step-mother-in-law had to be put in a nursing home because of health problems. He hates it–as he should. He is almost blind but very healthy for a 91 year old. So now we are looking to transfer our loan to an already built home that will give us enough room to take him with us. Until then we will use the money he has been paying for the nursing home to pay the rent on this house until God shows us the house he has for us. God worked all the details out for this house. We will be right down the road–so my husband can work on the well problem–big story–and not have to be too far away. And how cool of God to provide a pool for us for the summer?
My Father God in heaven has all the money in the world. He is building a house in heaven for me but he also promises to provide for my needs here.So God had someone build a house here on earth for me–and when God is ready He will lead us to it. The detailed planner is me is learning some new lessons about sitting and waiting.
God wants to be a God of the common place and the miraculous in our lives. Sometimes I think we plan it all out and move ahead and we miss Him doing some really spectacular things along the way. God prepared the way to get into this home a home that was open only to those who would accept a year lease. And because we followed His lead and because I am willing to do a little cleaning–we will get it on a month by month agreement. Our God is good.
I am waiting for the glory of the Lord to be revealed. Are you anticipating the good things God wants to give you? He not only wants to share Himself with us but He says all that he has is ours.
If God wants to–He can put a home in your lap without a down payment. Ever thought of that?
Could He be preparing someones heart right now? Will you take a step of faith and ask Him to lead you? Thank Him for the path you are on. And thank Him for the house that He has prepared for you. And then make sure you give back to Him what is His. He deserves all the glory and all the praise. If everything in life went as we planned it- would we really have the grounds to praise Him? We need a little dessert to enjoy fully our promised land.
Enjoy the journey–imagine the incredible stories you will be able to share with your family and friends.
Thank you for your kind comments to me. I want to encourage you too. My kids are young adults and teens. I so remember the years of scrimping and saving so that I could be home with them when they were so little. Trust me, you will never, ever regret it. Times might be tough, but it is so worth it. The time will come when your finances will adjust and that will probably happen when your kids get a little older. I like your theme of victorious living. I will take on that challenge too. I will refuse to allow the circumstances of my life to keep me from remembering that I am living in victory. Again, thanks for being so kind to me.
Praying for V*I*C*T*O*R*Y!
Thank you for the very kind things you said in your comment. 🙂 It was very nice of you to say. I’m glad you got a laugh.
I like your victory declaration!
Isn’t it great to know that the Victory is ours??
Bleach Free Blessings!
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