Forgive me if things are misspelled or don’t make a lot of sense on this entry…I’m very sleepy this morning. Kennedy Grace has something wrong with her…she’s running a fever and is so fussy. She was up most of the night and I’m just flat exhausted. My bible is out in the van, which is way out in the street and I just don’t feel like letting the neighborhood see my display of “comfy pj’s” this morning!! So, I’m not sure where this will go this morning…
Ya’ll, I am SO PROUD of my husband. He finally took some things into his hands and stood up. Kris is a very caring person and always wants to try to do the right thing if possible, and of course that leads to many people wanting to walk all over him! Well, yesterday we had ANOTHER situation with our realtor that we’ve been dealing with. Kris felt very obligated to use him since he does a lot of side jobs for him and he knew we were looking for a house. I started to make a list of all the things that have happened but I don’t think that would be very kind of me. I don’t think this man has God in his heart and that’s the bottom line problem……….
So, we were ready to make an offer on this house that we had found and the realtor was just pushing us aside BIG TIME. We waited around all day for him to call us so we could go meet him………Kris talked to him a few times and he kept pushing us off later and later. The final straw for Kris (not me, my final straw had been pulled a LONG time ago!) was at 7pm this man had his WIFE call us to tell us he was sick!!! This is after Kris had spoken with him several times yesterday! I could see it all over Kris’s face, he was done!!!
But it’s amazing how God works……….we have a friend at our church who is a realtor and she’s the one I wanted to use in the first place……..but Kris was like call her! So, there was no playing phone tag…… leaving messages……it was all God’s way I believe. We went right over to her house and submitted an offer. She was ready to work for us! I was so peaceful as soon as Kris made the decision to go with her. My heart has been in an uproar with this other realtor! You know, because the people you choose to work with represent you!
So……..the offer has been submitted, it should be looked at first thing today. We have given them until tomorrow afternoon to let us know an answer. But, I will not be all frazzled about this. I know if that is the house God intends…….it’s done! I just really feel peaceful. That’s what I wanted to share this morning, is how peaceful God’s perfect love is!
Yesterday we went to our North Campus church. (Our church has two campus’s main and north) I’ve been feeling the need for a much deeper worship experience at church. Kris really prefers North campus too, but we just know a lot more people at main. I didn’t see anyone I knew, except one person while we were walking out. I felt like I was at a new church……but I felt right at home once the preaching got started. So, I’d say if we get this house we most likely will switch out to there b/c the house is actually a little closer to north campus than main but not much, it’s like 11 minutes!!! That’s huge after driving 30+ minutes when we lived in our other house!!! Can you imagine how much we’ll save just on gas???!!!!
So, I don’t know……..we’ll see. I’m so trying to not get excited but I do already have us moved in in my head! I have the whole house decorated and I know exactly what paint colors I want for each room, what I want to do with the yard………I know, I’d better stop!! I’m just so ready ya’ll!!! So please be praying today….pray that IF this is God’s house they will accept this offer (which would be so awesome!) and life will go on!! No more looking at houses, neighborhoods, dealing with Realtors (not that this new one is bad, she’s great!), driving around forever…….just resting on God’s promises.
Well, Ms.Kennedy is sitting on the couch……..all sprawled out, it’s so cute! She’s watching Barney but I can see she wants to be held by her momma………aren’t they so sweet when they are sick??? The other two are still sleeping, thank you Lord!! Not to much going on today since Kennyboo is sick. I guess we’ll just stay home and do laundry and this project that Taylor got. It’s growing crystals or something like that! FUN!! =) Have a blessed day!!!
Praying for you – sounds like you guys will be closer to us – we live in Concord. North Campus is a lot closer for us too – but we are so attached to our SS class – it is hard to leave Main. 🙂 But we have thought about it! Especially with gas being $3.10 a gallon. Thanks for the shout out for my birthday!
Good for ya’ll.
What a man! I see a knight in shinning armor trying to get out. 🙂
We have a lady a church that is going to help us our–it will help her out in the long run too.
I be praying about your house.
I know what you mean about having a house all decorated before you even have it.We visited one-and after I prayed about it I woke up with a real uncomfortable feeling. We drove past it yesterday and I had mixed feelings. Longing, because that would mean we were settled. But, disquiet because of something else.
We will see.
Till then I’ll just be still and know He is God.
I am so happy your man came through for you. Isn’t it awesome when that happens?
Praying for you during your search for a home. We just built a house, and lived with my parents while we were building…what an adventure, glad it is over!
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