Even when it all falls down Lord, I’m still gonna praise you. I don’t know why yesterday was such a bad day, but it was. It doesn’t look to promising for this house to come through. We found out yesterday that there is a lien on the house, so they are not allowed to sell the house. Sure would’ve been nice to know that a few weeks ago!! I was so upset yesterday, but this morning I woke up so peacefully. God could still pull this offer through, and he will if it’s the house he intends for us. I don’t know why he allowed us to experience the joy of accepting the offer and then the pure disappointment of finding this news out, but He did, so who am I to question our Lord?
The girls were very upset yesterday too and I think it’s why their behaviour was so awful. Do you know how hard this has been for them to be praising God for something and then boom, it’s gone. But, I sucked up my tears and we all hit our knees together. I told the girls that sometimes when God shuts a door it’s for a reason we just can’t know about and we just have to trust him that he is going to send something better. So we all prayed and went about our day praying.
Our family was really torn up yesterday by all of this. But, I know, oh I know that God is not torn up about it. I know He is sitting upon his throne, calling me to draw near to Him today. Asking me to let him take control, let Him lead and let Him bless us in a way we never knew possible. Now, I know many of you are saying, “Just go look at another house……” I have to emphasize this, there is not a whole lot out there in our price range and close to the church. We have looked and looked for months now and this was seriously the first house that came up in our range that didn’t need a TON of work.
And so I turn once again to one of my favorite Psalms, 9:1-3 “Give ear to my words O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help my King and my God for to you I pray. In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”
Dearest Lord,
I don’t know why you do the things you do but I have to confess that my heart is questioning you right now…..Forgive me Lord. Forgive me for all the ugly things in my heart. Forgive me for the times where I have been like, “what???” to you. Lord, I have no right to be that way and I don’t want to be that way. Forgive me for my ugly attitude yesterday, I was full of impatience and full of whys??. Lord, I lay it all down and I thank you for the grace you give me each morning to start over.
Lord, this whole day is yours. May I be filled to the brim with you, so much that it’s overflowing to others around me. Lord, do not let my day be filled with sighing and disbelief. You oh God are so much bigger than all that is happening around me. Lord, I do need your help to get through this day with an outlook that is glorifying to you. Father, I know, oh I know, things could be so much worse and I thank you for protecting us and guiding us into your perfect plan.
I have many requests on my heart for others this morning, you know them all and I lay each of them down, gently remind me all day to be lifting up those you have brought into my life to pray for. Thank you Lord for your sweet blessings these three little girls. Make me the mother that they need me to be today and help me to put my fears aside and just walk with you so that they may know you better each day through me. Thank you for a great husband who works so hard for our family. Thank you that he has a heart that truly loves you and wants to be found right in you. Bless his day in a big way Lord, bless him.
Lord, I wait in expectation to see what this day holds. But Father do not let the troubles of this world consume my mind. Let me be found faithful in all I do. I love you Lord. Amen.
Well, We’re off to the Y this morning, I’ve got to run and do my strength training. I think I’ll pack our lunches and we’ll head to the pool afterwards. That should be fun, and keep us gone most of the day. Hopefully they will be tired when we get home so they will all rest before church tonight. I hope and pray all who read this have an extremely blessed day!
Walking by faith and not by sight,
Thank you for stopping by, and my dear dolla I will be praying that the door God opens will have you on your knees in pure adoration for who He is. love always me
Wow, I have missed a lot of your journey while out of town. I popped in real quick to make a post and had to come by to see you.
Sounds like the battle is raging and you need someone to hold up your arms until the battle is won. Because you know we will win this battle. Even Moses needed strong people by his side. I am so sorry for the ups and downs. But We know God has a purpose for them. Each and every detail of our lives has been mapped out by our heavenly Father. He loves you and me so tenderly. Looking down on His daughter sleeping on her air mattress he knows the plans he has for you. Plans for good and not for evil. Plans to prosper you–physically and in you soul. How I wish I could sit knee to knee with you and talk to our Father about your future. Instead we will just have to sit computer screen to computer screen and worship our Father. This morning I am tell the story of Amy Carmichael. She so wanted blue eyes as a little girl. She prayed and expected God to give her those blue eyes. He did no. Because he had a bigger picture in mind. When she grew up and went to India as a missionary she needed those brown eyes to blend in with the people. God has a purpose and the best plan. Will we wait until He brings them to pass?
Father, I thand you for my sista. She has a heart for you but she is having a hard time seeing your face right now. Help her to draw close to you today so that you can draw close to her. Hold her quivering nerves in your hands and give her peace and rest. Remind her of your amazing love. God is this house is for her then I ask you that you bind the hand of Satan. Thay like the red sea you open the path—a path that brings the most glory to your name. We love you. Fill us both today with your incredible glory. May we knock the socks off the people who come into contacts with us today. May they know they have encountered you.
Thank you JESUS!
Thank you both for your very kind words!!! I appreciate the encouragement today!!!
Nicki, try to remember that when God says no to something you REALLY want it’s because He knows that He has something EVEN BETTER waiting for you!! Sometimes we settle for cubic zirconia when God has the diamond waiting!!! Hold tight to Jesus Girl!
Praying with you and for you Nicki! I’m asking God to let you soak up every single gem He has for you, though, in the process and that not one thing will fall to the ground void for you, your husband and your girls. Folks are watching and as Beth Moore says, “You got troubles…things looking hard? Well that’s the back drop for the wonder, that’s what!” So Lord, we watch and wait and ask you to do this Wonder!
Holly, thank you for your ever so sweet words and prayers!! They are just blessing my soul!!!
Valerie, YOU ARE SO RIGHT and every time I’ve experienced this in life, the best is yet to come!!
Girlfriend, when you see what God has picked out for you, you are going to be praising His name and thanking Him for His plan. Hang in there. It’s going to happen.
I am also praying for you. God will hold your hand and guide you where He needs you and your family to be—of this I am convinced. Praying He makes His plans evident to you soon. 🙂
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