I was just about to post a post that said we didn’t get the house but as I was writting, my realtor called back and said they would accept our offer (at first they didn’t and I was MAD). SO, we have a house!!! =) It’s a small house, but I know God’s sunshine is shinning down on it! I feel good about it, I have peace, so it won’t be long now…..whew..what a journey this has been!! Just had to update!!
It is a place to call your own! Celebrate! Don’t count the square footage – count your blessings!
Praising Him!
YEA!!!!! Is it close enough to me that we can carpool??!!! I am excited to hear about it.
Congrats girl! Let me tell you that I know what it’s like living in a small house with 3 kids and I can tell you that it can be SUCH a blessing! Just a place of your own is AWESOME so don’t let the enemy trick you into thinking that you need to compare it to anyone else’s! He’s good at that game!!
Love ya girl and congrats!!!
I am so excited for you. God is so good. There is a purpose for all this and soon shall you see why he has you in this particular home. I am continuing to praise him for what he has done for us and now I PRAISE him for you.Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this journey. I can’t wait to hear about the new house.
Praising him for you,
Girl, one down one to go……me.
I am excited to see what God is going to do through this whole thing.
Glad i got to walk through this journey with you.
YAY! Praise God for answering prayers and for giving us just exactly what we need! I am happy for you.
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