Well, I’m an Aunt………kinda! =) My brother has gotten his first puppy, an English Bulldog and he’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!! His name is Brutis and he’s got a face that will make you melt! I promise later today I’m going to post pics, it’s just so hard here at my mom’s b/c I have to re hook our computer up and blah blah blah!! This is a great dog for my brother……the only downfall……the puppy and him are staying here this week with my mom and dad as well. So we’ve got a full house once again! I keep telling myself…….one more week!!!
The hardwood floor guy is supposed to come Thursday night after we close and hopefully knock those babies out! The whole house has hardwoods under the carpet which is good but I’m not sure how long it is going to take him to get them done. Obviously we will not be able to start moving stuff in until the floors are done. But, the kitchen does not have hardwoods so the plan is on Saturday to get the cabinets redone as much as possible, get the LOVELY wallpaper down =) and then Sunday afternoon start moving stuff in. But I don’t know, it could end up being the following weekend before we can actually move in.
I went and did our walk through with our realtor yesterday after church and I’m just so excited I can’t stand it!! My brother said to me, “Nicki, this is the perfect investment home.” All it needs is a lot of cosmetic TLC and hopefully later on some bigger improvements and I know it will be a good thing for us. It just feels so much like “home”. God is working in such amazing ways through this whole experience that I just feel His hands upon it. I have been busy redoing a kitchen table that I bought off of Craigslist. It’s one of those corner tables and it’s going to be just right for our little kitchen. I have been going back and forth on what type of look I want to acheive in this house but I think my Aunt Karen would approve of the theme “French Country Cottage”. Whatcha think Auntie? =) I can’t wait to post all the before and after pictures but bear with me……it’s going to be a process!!
My dear hubby comes home tonight!!! YAY!!! The girls and I have missed him so much……he never leaves us so this was a long time for him to be gone but I think he’s had a good time. He did VERY well in his race too!! I think he said he came in 17th place!! Whoo hooo!!
Kennedy has a new trick that the girls taught her. They ask her “Kennyboo, who’s the princess?” And she raises her hand and says, “ME!”. It’s so cute!!
Saturday was the Christmas in July sale that I was telling you all about. How shall I say this………..um it didn’t go very well! Not just for me, but for everyone. I think it just didn’t have a lot of people. BUT, I’m really torn because I really prayed that God would show me whether or not this was what I was supposed to continue on pursing or not through this sale. But, I felt really let down at the end of the sale and I was just like, Ok God, this is just not my thing. Then I got home and had an e-mail box full of request for orders. I will wait until after school gets started to see how I’m feeling about things. I know what my next bible study is going to be on and I can’t wait to get started writing. I’ll share more details later!
Well, I’d better end this…….it’s a busy day and three girly’s are fussing so much already. The girly’s and a puppy in the house, makes for a bit of chaos in my life today!! Praying that you are experiencing God’s peace today and soaking up His sweet love! Have a blessed day!
Have you realized yet that God is going to draw you and Kris closer by giving you a big project to complete together? (the house). You will have a lot to chat about now – enjoy each other’s company while you are working.
You will have such a feeling of accomplishment when you are finished! I am excited for you! If I can help you with the girl’s, please let me know.
I know you are excited about the house. We are settling in ours (not really OURS) but it is HOME.I pray that God will show you what you need to do. Right now just “GO FISHING” (see my post) Relax in God and find peace.
Love ya girl,
Well welcome back. I LOVE the beach and told Sissy that next year I am going there instead of Vagus.
Now about these floors, I did not understand, but I am hoping you ment the wooden floor were going to be refinished??????? I think it will be the perfect look for French country cottage! I have always wanted to do that look, but we have never had a house that the style would work in. I just can not wait to see some pictures of the house, even if it is not where you want it.
Don’t worry about the show, I did one with Lynn and it was a total flop!!!! Just press on! The extra cash will come in handy. Lynn and I joke about our houses being money pits. (But you know we love our houses and wouldn’t give them up for anything!)
I get it about the materialism thing. See when we brought this house, it was a total pit. There was molding in the kitchen and we had to rip out the walls and cabinets. My sink hung from the wall and stood on two by fours. Because we had to rip out the walls, (the molding was in the bathroom) you could see right into the bathroom. Thank God Dad came out to help us put it together!
At any rate I was amazed how we were judged by one person at the “Center”. I guess our home did not fill the image of a Doctor and Center Director! I say whatever to that. I guess I should have never invited anyone over. I think people who judge lack vision. The thing is we could have gotten a huge brand new home, but we wanted something old. Its just what we like. And we wanted to stay in central Phoenix. Well we are still working on our fixing and I would not trade our memories for anything.
Well I don’t remember what my point was. See what happens when you start pushing 50????????
Off to get Dans breakfast. A very good day to you.
Aunt Karen
Stopping by real quick to say, HI!
Have to go get ready to take Paw Paw to the specialists–HE GETS HIS NEW HEARING AIDS TODAY! Can you tell I am excited?
Have a great day.
They had covered virgin wood pine floors in our old house. I refinished them myself. Good for you getting some one to do them for you.
Talk at ya later.
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