Off to the beach!


Off to the beach!

Well, it’s very early but I thought I would post one more time. =) You know this blogging thing… really gets to you!! It’s sad but it’s how I keep up with SO many people’s lives!! Pray for me as I venture in this four hour car ride with a little toddler that seems to think the whole world is “MINE” and don’t you dare tell her different because she will say in her sweet little twang……..”Noooooooo”!! I have never heard a child say “Nooooooo” so much YET so politely!! The older girls are riding with my mom and dad so at least I won’t have to hear, “She’s touching me! She’s looking at me!”……..along with “MINE!!!!”. =)

I got my bows done late last night…….I didn’t get nearly as many as I would’ve liked but you know it’s hard trying to make bows and flip flops with three children at your feet all day. (Tisha, I should’ve just taken them to Chuck E Cheese with you!!! they were SO ILL with me!!!) But I hope the sale is a big success. I’m praying that God is going to show me if this is the direction I need to keep pursing or not through this sale! I have a feeling God is telling me to get back to writing but, I keep making excuses!! I hope to have some time while we are at the beach to just sit and soak up God’s plan for this next year, I know much of it will include remodeling this house, which I’m quite nervous about! I can’t believe that in two weeks we will be in our new home!!! Can I tell you HOW excited I am!!! I get misty eyed just thinking about it! It’s been a long journey!!

Well, my cup of coffee is done, so I guess I’d better go gather up the troops! The girl’s are so excited! OH, I almost forgot to share!!! Ms.Kennedy met her little deadline!! She has taken several steps the past few days!! WOW!! Talk about a on demand baby!! =) She’s still not “walking” but she’s getting there! She was so funny yesterday, we were getting out of the car to run into a store and I was carrying her and she leans over my shoulder and YELLS to Taylor and HopeAnn, “…….’mon girls!!” It was so cute!! She does not know how to say Taylor or Hope so she just calls them “girl”!! Well, I’ll take lot’s of pictures and I’m sure I’ll have lot’s of reading to do when I get back! Can’t wait! Praying for each of you!!! See you in a week!!




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