Oh my aching fingers!!!


Oh my aching fingers!!!

My fingers ya’ll……..they are about to fall off!!! A VERY sweet friend of mine has offered to sell my hair bows at her Christmas in July thing next weekend. So I have been making bows and flip flops like crazy the past two days!!! I want to make sure there is a big selection and since I really haven’t had much of an inventory lately that means that I had to get busy!! I have to get everything to her tomorrow since we are leaving for the beach!

The girls are SO bored! But, they are just gonna have to get over it. We had a great day yesterday, we stayed out WAY to late but had a great time! The fireworks were awesome and we just had a great day with our family.

Things are pressing on with the house, we close on the 19th I think. I’m very excited and I have to share this confirmation that the Lord placed in my life with you all. My sunday school teacher e-mailed me the other day to tell me that she has been praying for her friend’s husband’s mom’s house to sell. Her friend talked to her the other day and said that a good Christian family that had three girls bought the house and that the husband even worked at the church…….my teacher was like, Is this you all??? I about cried as I read that because all day that day I really questioned what we were doing…….and then the song came to my mind, the one that says “Someone is praying me through.” How awesome is God??

I needed that confirmation so badly and I’m so thankful that God gave me exactly what I needed! We leave for the beach Saturday morning and I’ve decided no e-mail or blogging while I’m gone………..I need some time to “renew” myself. Since Kris is flying to New York for three days to run in a race with his family, he has assured me that while we are at the beach I will have lot’s of “me” time. I NEED IT!!! I plan on really digging through Titus and I’m sure God will speak to me in amazing ways, he always does while I’m soaking up the sun, in awe over his creation of the ocean.

I still have my cell phone if anyone just HAS to talk to me!! =) Just kidding, you know I’m always here for anyone! I’ll miss you all my blogging friends, but I’ll be back! Have a great week!!




  • I am so happy for the confirmation that you received! I love how God shows Himself to us in so many different ways!

    Have a great time at the beach!!!

  • have a wonderful time. I so so so so want to go tot hebeach, but we went at Spring break and TUcker has a broken arm now. I am so bummed… we are heading out to the movies right now.

    So excited to hear more about the house. Have a wonderful day!


  • What an awesome testimony from God. Kind of like a thumbs up. How personal he is. How sweet the way he ordains things to happen so that when they get back around to us—we know He has been busy behind doors working for our good.
    You have a great time at the beach–I take it that means you found a suit?
    Relax and enjoy yourself.

  • Have a blast at the beach admiring God’s vast creations – we will miss you! Be safe –


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