Pictures…….I know I took to many!! =) Click on the picture to enlarge them


Pictures…….I know I took to many!! =) Click on the picture to enlarge them

Here is the new baby!!! Isn’t he to cute!!! ahhh!! I can’t help but eat him up!! This is the Brutus Man!!

Here we all are! Our little family on the beach! (Can I tell you how many times we had to try and get this picture!!!)

I realize these are not in any kind of order, but this is Hope and her new pal Rockstar that she made at build a bear with Mimi
This is Taylor and her new pal named Angel (notice the difference in these girl’s??? One’s a rockstar and one is an Angel!!)
This is HopeAnn after her daddy dug her down in the sand!!
There’s my three girly’s…….notice Kennedy is NOT looking, she was ILL!!!
This is me and Hopie just having fun!

I LOVE this one of Kennedy! She was FINALLY all smiles!!
Sisters……..digging in the sand!!!
Here we are at Johnny Rockets for lunch……….oh did I mention it cost $50 to eat hamburgers and chicken nuggets!!! AHHH!!! =)
Here are the girls in their new crocs……do they look cool or what??!!
Here is Ms. Kennyboo with her build a bear…….purple. =)

Ok…….for those that know HopeAnn……I know you are laughing right now!! This is SOOO HER!! Just goofy!! =)
Hanging out in pj’s!!
Stylin on the beach!!!
Ok, they were all supposed to be looking up and smiling but………yup you guessed it!! Kennedy was NOT cooperating!! =)

Here she is……of course she needed a bow to match her polka dot swimsuit! You gotta be cute as a button on the beach!! =)




  • Adorable! Looks like you guys had lots of fun. We have the same polka dot bikini! It is too cute! Is there anything cuter than a little bitty bootie in a bathing suit?

  • You did good job picking out a bathing suit.:)
    And if I may say so–you are beautiful. What a sweet smile.
    And it is so nice to be able to put a face to your writing.
    You have a sweet family and I am so glad ya’ll had a good time.

  • The girls are just precious. God knew not to give me girls. I would never have any money for buying all the cute clothes and bows. Glad you all had fun !!!!!

  • Great pictures -Too cute – those girlies are PRECIOUS! Tell Taylor that I like her Build-a-Bear. Just a sidenote: Taylor was the first grader this year that asked me where God came from that I referred to in my post. You probably figured thought that as you read the post anyway. 🙂

  • Lisa- I don’t have the money to dress them either!! =) That’s why I have to make all their bows!! =)

    Kim- Taylor mentioned that to me many times…..I think I told her to ask you!!! =) I did that a LOT, she has some tough questions, I’d say, “well you’d better ask because you know God gave her the gift of knowledge!” =)

    Sharon-thanks! =)

    Rebecca-Target!! Whoo hoo!! (swimsuit)

  • oh i loved seeing everyone. i can not believe how tall and thin Hope has gotten. they are all so beautiful. i miss seeing Taylor’s smile and laugh!! She is just one of a kind. I kow the others are too, but i don’t know them!!

    Thanks for paosting – it looks like a dream vacation!


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