Psalm 21:4 “May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”
I’ll be honest for a minute…….lately, and I say that cautiously, lately I’ve had some extra time on my hands……I guess it’s 1.Being so close to the school, I’m not spending hours in the car each day 2. This house is so small it only takes me about 20 minutes the clean the whole thing (that’s good) 3. With Taylor in school each day, and Kennedy still taking these long naps (which is also a good thing)………I’m stuck at home a good bit of the day with not a lot to do. Now mind you, when Taylor is home and they are all awake, there is not a quite, still corner in this house!! But during that nap each day……….it’s pretty quite.
I’m sure there are several of you that just read that and are saying “Oh what I would give!”……but the truth is, I thrive on busyness and yes, we’ve had friends over and stuff but, that’s “casual” busyness…….oh if that’s even a phrase!! Oh my…..where am I going with all this???
I think this verse is so awesome when two things happen. 1. When we become content in Christ……my friend Leigh at speaking thru me, was just talking about this……….and 2. When our desires are his desires anyways, it’s all going to come together. As I was talking to my dear friend yesterday, she pointed out some things in my life that shows that the enemy is at work. I have not been completely surrendering my days, hours and free moments to Him. I think about all the time I’ve just “found stuff to do”……..rather then soak up more of His word in my life so that I can be ready at all times when I go under attack.
I know eventually Kennedy will be out of this stage of needing SUCH A LONG nap each day and then I will be crying out for time!!!! But, I feel like this morning God is saying, “Ok, what are you going to do? What are you going to do with this extra time I’ve given you during the day?” I guess when I start to realize that truly everything is God’s………even my time……and realize that there may be desires that God has for my extra time right now……….my desires would be to be out somewhere and doing something fun, not at home!!! But of course I have found the second you pull out of the driveway, you are spending money somehow!!
My plans for my life are not always God’s plans………in fact I would say that 90% of MY plans don’t succeed. God has his own agenda and that is why I cannot pray this verse saying, “Oh lord, why are you not giving my desires to me??? Why am I not being successful in any of this???” And God is saying, “You are not being successful because this is not MY plan.” What I’m trying to get at is……..the more I try and fix myself, the more I mess up. The more I’m gonna try to stay busy and not just soak up God, the more God will MAKE ME be still. So today, instead of trying to push open doors that shouldn’t be opened………instead I will let this day be His, everything and anything about it……….and I think that’s going to mean shutting this computer down after I end this message…….I get way to caught up in blogger land and e-mail land some days!!! JUST BEING HONEST. =)
Have a blessed day everyone!! I love you all!! And my heart just KEEPS growing as I continue to find out the mystery readers of this blog!!! =) hee hee!!!
Walking by Faith and NEVER by sight,
I have been floundering around too. Needing to soak up more of Him and not finding “it”.
Gonna stop striving and just listen.
You have a great weekend too!
I nominated you for an award. I can’t figure out how to get it to you so you will have to visit my blog for the details.
Hope your worship today was amazing.
Great post.
I am glad to have been blessed to have come across your blog through Neva’s. Your blog has been encouraging and up-lifting. I am looking forward to more posts. I take Neva for sharing these blogs on her blog because they have been a blessing to my faith. I want to invite you to my blog any time. I hope you have had blessed weekend and week as well. May God bless your life in ways you can’t even count.
Great post.
I am glad to have been blessed to have come across your blog through Neva’s. Your blog has been encouraging and up-lifting. I am looking forward to more posts. I take Neva for sharing these blogs on her blog because they have been a blessing to my faith. I want to invite you to my blog any time. I hope you have had blessed weekend and week as well. May God bless your life in ways you can’t even count.
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