This is gonna be a short one today…….a lot going on today with the house and I have the most awesome friend who is taking my three girls for me today!!! THANK YOU GIRL!!!
OH my heart is still in awe of the Lord today…….last night at church I was able to really soak up God’s loving arms once again. It’s been pretty hard with all that has been going on. I was praying last night and I remember something that someone said on the prayer retreat. (I’m sorry I keep talking about this retreat but, oh it just changed my life so much!!) They said that they never wanted to make this retreat a “feeling” or to come to this mountain for a “feeling”. And I’ve really been struggling with that this week because, I have never felt the presence of God like that EVER. And I’ve been to some pretty “spiritual” things! =) I just wanted to take that mountain home with me and I know oh I KNOW it’s not the “mountain” that God is in!! I know that I can have that same experience right here in my home.
But, I guess what I’ve seen more and more is the evil that is all around me 24/7. The enemy is on the prowl in the valley and he didn’t seem to be allowed there on that mountain. I mean, I know he probably was there trying to distract, create gossip or awkward situations, but I really didn’t experience it at all. So anyways……….Well, I can’t go live on prayer mountain! I have to have this walk with Christ here in the valley. HOW???? So, yesterday I really started praying and asking God to place His radiance within me again. To let the worries of this world pass me by. (oh it so doesn’t matter what color my kitchen is going to be! or if I have counter tops today or tomorrow)
Oh, I have so much more to say, but my fingers just can’t type fast enough this morning, I will try to come back later tonight and finish telling you all about this! But, I gotta run! I love you and thanks for stopping by to chat with me today!! Have a BLESSED DAY!!!
Walking and living by faith never by sight,
One Comment
Love ya girl!
Keep working out your salvation with fear and trembling.
It is showing.
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