

Goodness……..I don’t even know where to begin!!! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get back up and running!! WHEW it’s been a long two weeks!! I really don’t even know where to begin…….ok, apologies first, I had over 700 e-mails in my in box tonight, so bear with me friends if I don’t get back to you right away!! BUT, I have missed all my blogging friends so much and I’m so thankful to be “hooked up” tonight!! =)

Well, I guess I’ll start with the move………that’s still not complete! =) Thursday night I guess it was, last week, we got all of our stuff out of mom’s house and into this one, this meant that Kris and I were still on that silly air mattress for two more nights! Most of our stuff came out of storage on Saturday, although we still have one more trip as of tonight, it just NEVER ends…….ahhh. My poor husband has been working harder than anyone I know and then coming home with a HUGE and I mean HUGE “honey do list”. That’s the issues we are finding with this old house, LOT’S OF WORK. But he’s been amazing, he’s my “fix everything man”. I’m just LOST without him during the day and I find myself not getting ANYTHING done because I need him to do something! =)

So, to make a LONG story terribly short, we are in our house not settled, but getting there. We have had to make some decisions about space since there is quite a lack of in this house. =) So, the “den” was the play room but is being transformed into a family room, the dinning room was the piano room but is being transformed back into the dinning room. (We have found that when we have people come over there really isn’t much room so we needed more livable space) So there’s been a lot of “arranging” and then a lot more “re-arranging”. =) I’m finding the more time I spend just focusing on what works rather then dwelling on what isn’t going to work, is a lot more effective!! =)

So in between all of this and that………I got to see Leigh at Speaking Thru Me a couple of days ago which was great to catch up with her and just to actually “speak” =)!! Taylor started school……which she has come home this totally different child……and NOT in a good way, so sassy and RUDE to her momma. But guess what??? The law has been laid down and she is NOT happy with me right now but, she will get over it very quickly. I don’t think it has anything to with her teacher (who I love, but desperately miss her teacher from last year…….) or the school……I think it’s her age or what age she “thinks” she is. UGH……….I don’t know what has happened to my sweet little girl……….. My brother has left for Seattle again, which is a good thing but also has created more chaos in our lives. And a bunch of other stuff has happened but I just can’t think right now. =) Life has just been busy, a LOT more than I would like. But I owe SO MANY of you a HUGE and I mean HUGE thank you for all you have done for me. From praying, to cooking us dinner, to watching my girls, to helping us move, house warming gifts…….wow, God has blessed us with some wonderful people in our lives!! THANK YOU!!!

Through it all though, I have been able to have some amazing time with my Lord. I was able the other day to sit down and read through some journals I found from a couple of years ago. It touched my heart to see God’s hands upon my life through some very trying times and I would certainly say this past week and a half has been VERY trying. And God has come through in just amazing ways, providing me with exactly what I needed THAT day. Oh ya’ll…….God is good, ALL the time, as I sit here and write this I really can see the hand of God working in an amazing way, I guess when you really stop and think about all He has done…….it’s almost overwhelming then as you do it on a daily basis.

But God’s also been dealing with me on a lot of issues too during this time. Contentment, envy, disappointments and heartache…….oh a lot of that lately. No matter what, I know He’s there, sometimes it’s the gentle breeze he blows over me while a friend prays on the phone…….sometimes it’s a smile through a sweet little girl as she does her party dance………sometimes it’s a husband who says he’ll take care of it, and he does (even when the power man swears he has an order to disconnect our service when it’s a 101 out!!! on a VERY side note, DON’T EVER and I mean EVER try to switch your power over online, they are not up to par with that stuff yet, TRUST ME!!!)……sometimes it’s my bible, opening up to exactly the verse I need at that moment…….sometimes it’s a friend just calling to check on me…….sometimes, it’s through worship, that I can feel him on my skin…….sometimes it’s just me, sitting still, being still and KNOWING that HE IS GOD.

Well, for now my friends I’m off to rest my tired eyes…….another busy day awaits me in the morning, church, nursery, baby shower, more moving stuff…….but I can’t wait to catch up with all of you next week, just wanted to say hello, I love you and THANK YOU!!!! Have a blessed night!!!



One Comment

  • Your BACK!
    It was great to see you had posted a new post. Glad ya’ll are in your “new” home.
    It is Sunday morning and I stopped just for a quick visit before jumping in the shower.
    Have a blessed day at church.

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