Well, here she is……..my oldest, SEVEN today!! WOW!! Time is going by a lot faster than I would like it to. This is my sweet Taylor…….and she is the smartest, brightest, happiest, joyful little thing in life! (of course I’m a little proud of her!! I’M HER MOM!!!) Taylor enjoys school, more than anyone I think, she loves to dance, dress like a diva, talk like she’s 20 and her passion for the Lord is to be greatly noticed in her little life! Since Taylor is the first, she pretty much walks on the straight and narrow path…..I rarely have to get on her for anything but her attitude!! (which I’m learning to deal with……got that? deal…… NOT ACCEPT) She keeps me on my toes, asking me all kinds of questions…..most of the time that I do not know the answer to! Happy Birthday sweet girl!! I love you!!
I’m extremely tired today….it’s been a very busy weekend and a tinsy bit stressful with our bathroom redo. It looks awesome!! I’m so excited! I would post the pictures but not until I find some pretty towels! It looks very bare right now!! But it’s mold-free and it looks so fresh! I love it! We had all the family over yesterday to celebrate Taylor’s day. We didn’t have a big party for her this year…..after we found out we were pregnant with Kennedy (another girl!!) we decided we were going to have to do some major cutting back on things. Since birthday parties (even at home) usually run at LEAST $150, we took some good advice and now we rotate through each child so they can have a big party every three years. This year is the Hopie’s year, last year was Taylor’s. With all their birthday’s being back to back, we had to do this drastic change……especially with Christmas right in the mix of it all!! And it’s working so far.
My heart has a lot on it today…..I don’t quite know where to begin or what to say………I think I’ll just leave it at that! Have a blessed day everyone!!
A precious pic…..I know you are proud. Hang on to these years. I have got one graduating this year.
Love ya girl,
wow – she is gorgeous!!! lock her up!!!
love, Leigh
Give my sweet Taylor a birthday hug and kiss for me!
Happy birthday to your sweet one.
September is a good month for b-days!
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