We had a great weekend!! We took the girl’s to the Asheboro Zoo on Saturday and then yesterday we just had a great “hanging out” day after a busy morning at church. The zoo was a lot of fun, but it was very HOT. Taylor and Hope were great walkers and once Kennedy realized that I really wasn’t letting her out of the stroller until she had her shoes ON (we’re still trying to grasp the concept of SHOES ON) she was fine! The day didn’t start off all peachy though. I told Kris I just don’t understand how on weekends when there are TWO of us home, how it is our house ends up looking like a tornado has passed through!! I guess I will just never know!! We all had to do some major cleaning up yesterday night!!
Taylor had her first “science project” due……and I say that with ease because if only life will stay this simple!! She had to cut out and color a space man (or in her case space girl) and write a short story of her trip to space. NOW…….this project was SUPPOSED to be Kris and Taylor’s thing together. So after all afternoon of working on it on and off she tells me she’s almost done. I was like GREAT! So, around 6:30 last night……I just happened to take a look at this project. Hmmmm…..I start reading the directions, some more hmmmms. Now, I guess I should mention that while Kris is attempting to do this “project” with Taylor he all the sudden decides that he is also going to multi-tasks at the same time………now we ALL KNOW MEN AND MULTI-Tasking just don’t flow. So he was trying to finish up the baseboard molding at the same time……..oh my….this meant a lot of in and out of the house and a lot of “peeks” on the project.
I stop what I’m doing and ever so gently say, “I think we might have a problem Kris.” “What? She’s fine, it looks great, she did it right.”……….The directions said to write a short story about a trip into space…….I look at Taylor’s note card and it’s FULL OF FACTS about Mars. =) That’s a man right?? Let’s just stick to the facts and ONE planet…..we don’t need “to much”!! So……I sent him off to the store for some glitter (because creativity was a must on this project and so far all we had was a space girl glued sideways on a plain piece of blue paper……..that’s creative right???) So Taylor and I quickly put a story together and Lord forgive me, because I did most of the glitter glue. (deep breaths)…….so the first of many, I’m sure………..but at least it was a learning experience for me at least!! Bless that sweet daddy’s heart!!!
Ok, so this morning the Lord is speaking to me on the re-newal of my mind. Yesterday, Dr.Rummage gave an incredible sermon on the end times…….something I’ll be honest about, I think about it alot. I think about what it’s going to be like, when it’s going to happen (not that I know) the signs and so on. But sometimes I get to focused on it. Just like I do with a lot of things in life. I tend to focus on ONE THING at a time. Now……I can certainly cook dinner, change a diaper, pop a bottom, talk on the phone and help a child with homework all at the same time………but I have found with my relationship with the Lord, I tend to focus on ONE THING at a time. And normally whatever He’s trying to show me consumes my mind.
I have also found that when something bad is going on, it tends to consume my mind as well. I replay events over in my head and do the shoulda woulda coulda game………oh not where I believe God ever wants us to be. But lately I think God has been showing me how we are supposed to be constantly praying this verse, Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.” If we are constantly only focusing on ONE THING, this isn’t going to be possible. Now, I think there are going to be times where we do need to turn our focus onto just one thing, but I don’t think it should consume us. We have to be constantly asking God to renew us, make us clean, change our directions and give us a spirit that wants to press on.
Oh God is good! All the time, God is good. I hope you all have a blessed and awesome day!! I JUST KNOW mine is going to be fun fun fun……ha ha, laundry day…….ugh. (I say that with a LOVING spirit hee hee!!) Until tomorrow……..
Walking by Faith and NEVER EVER EVER by sight,
One Comment
Getting around very late today.
Renewing the mind–such a good thing to focus on. THink I could just request a new mind instead of a renewed mind?
Seems my mind has been stuck on my over whelming need for more love from God because i am incapable on my own of loving the way I should as His representative.
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