I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not to post today. I’m so trying to stay positive in my life today, I could sit here and tell you all the awesome things God has done in my life this week…….meeting with great friends, and un-expected blessing for Kris through work, side-jobs, opportunity’s in my life to possibly sub at Hope’s pre-school……but I just can’t put my finger on it today…..but I just have an overwhelming feeling that something is just not right. I guess I could be brutally honest about all that’s going on with my family…..but I’m not sure that’s the direction God wants me to go either.
It’s been a normal morning, taking Taylor to school, cleaning and laundry……but yet life feels so un-normal today. I knew a few days ago that something just wasn’t right about a situation in my life…….and come to find out that intuition was very right, the situation was NOT RIGHT. But now I’m worried, and I’m sure the enemy is having a time with me right now……..all the “what if’s”. Maybe it’s the gloomy day it is outside, maybe it’s a dumb argument that Kris and I had last night……maybe it’s just hormones………I just can’t figure it out, but I just feel something is just not right.
Taylor woke up this morning and she said, “Mommy, I did not sleep good last night.” I asked her why and she says, “Hope……YOU were up all night, in and out of bed…..WHAT ON EARTH were you doing??” I wasn’t surprised with this, we’ve had all kinds of issues with Hope and her sleeping. But, I didn’t sleep well last night either. I don’t know…….just a weird feeling today……..oh funny that a song just came on the radio…….”I’m falling on my knees…….” Yes, Lord, I see that is where you want me today. Take this gloominess away Father, I’m joyful, you’ve been so good to me this week and I love you!!
I have been in this spot for a week or so now. I am digging. I am listening. I am repenting. I am loving.
I need Him. I want to hear Him.
But, I will not stop.
I will keep on keeping on.
We HAVE to walk it out in the everyday. He WANTS to see us walking it out even when we don’t feel it.
And I would have to ask you if you have had your house anointed and blessed. You can do it-you and your husband. I had to deal with this today. As for me and my house–we will serve the LORD.
OH GIRL! There’s something in the air! I really think Satan is using the 9/11 anniversary to weigh on us all! You’re about the 3rd person I’ve talked to today who has had the EXACT same thing! We’ve just all got to keep our focus on Jesus and not on our “feelings”! It’s tough to not get caught up in how we feel but I’m praying for God to shake those blues right on out your door!
I love ya girl and YES I’M BACK FROM THE DESERT! hahaha Take care and keep your focus up!
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