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Weigh-In Wed with bloggers!


Weigh-In Wed with bloggers!

I have a friend and I that are going to weigh in together on Fridays and actually SEE the numbers on the scale moving down, but I think bloggerland weigh in is on Wed?? Am I correct or not?? But, I have some very exciting news!! I’ve lost 5.5 since Friday!! This is how I normally start off a big loss and then it slows down a bit, but maybe not this time!! I’m committed!! So excuse me if I give myself some pats because this is the first time I’ve been able to stick to anything but weight watchers……and there is NOTHING wrong with weight watchers but when you have done it for oh like….FIVE YEARS, it gets kinda old. This approach I’m doing is totally dependent on God and YOU, God using you to encourage me, I need it!! I’m such a “I need positive affirmation” kinda girl……not my best quality at times but I do still need it!!

The thing is, this week really hasn’t been TO hard yet. Now, it’s birthday season around here and it begins on Sunday with Taylor’s party, but I’ve already decided that I’m going to allow myself a small slice of cake, but will most likely skip dinner that night. I’ve been following Darlene’s advice of cutting every portion I would normally have in half……seems to be ok. This way I’m not having to cook a gazillion different things, I can still eat what everyone else is having. I’ve also totally cut out the snacking….except the Kennyboo MADE me eat some of her cheese nips yesterday!! =) I’m serious, she was shoving them in my mouth!! NO JOKE!! But at least they were those 100 calorie pack things!

I feel good, I’ve been sleeping better, my mood has been better and I’m definitely more motivated after that weigh in this morning! But, I know, just when I think I’ve got it under control is when the enemy is going to try and slip back in….no sir, not today, anyways!!! Matthew 6:13 “And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.” Another verse I’ve been pounding in my head is this one, 1 Corinthians 6:12 “Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me but I will not be mastered by anything. Food for the stomach and the stomach for food but God will destroy both.”

This pursuit of a healthy life is a challenge, oh it’s a challenge especially for me. Because there are times when I just can’t seem to get it all together, but I’m desperate for the Lord to work through me and I truly believe this is the final battle I need to overcome. I mean, I’m sure there will be other battles but I mean with my body. But I have to do this, I have to do it no matter what. And why?? Because it’s what God has said, and what’s that song that says, “God said it, I believe it, tis all that faith demands.”

Last night after we fed the girls, we went for a walk in our neighborhood……so far the people around here don’t seem to be to friendly, at first we thought they were but other than an occasional wave, that’s about it. Not something I’m used to or enjoy, I need my neighbors but here it’s been VERY lonely when I don’t invite someone over. So we walked past this one house and the elderly couple was outside (that’s the other problem in this neighborhood, it’s mainly people who have lived here for 50 years!!!) well, I had noticed one Sunday how they would drive the same direction as we do to Hickory Grove so I assumed they went to Hickory Grove….they do. So I said hello and introduced myself and my crew.

WELL, after about 30 minutes of hearing about their entire lives and not a breath for me to say A WORD…….I was just about ready to put my house up for sale……like, Oh my, here we go again, another neighbor that is NOT going to accept us onto their street. Elderly people are VERY set in their ways, if you know what I mean. I came home and I was just sad… I went to bed and started writing in my journal. I was like, Father, why on earth THIS HOUSE? THIS STREET? THESE PEOPLE??? What is it?? I don’t understand. And then it came to me…..I’ve noticed as much as these sweet elderly people want to make me believe that their families care so much for them……they never have visitors, people over and rarely leave their homes. And I almost felt the voice of God say to me, “Nicki, I’ve already told you this house is not about you……so deal with it.” It’s very sad, but it’s very true…..much of the elderly are so alone.

I have three ladies now on this street that I know I’m supposed to minister to in some way…..yes I’m sure they think “OH MY” every time they see me and my wild group playing outside, and yes they think I’m going to let my kids run and play in the street, and yes, I don’t hang my clothes outside to dry, and yes, I’ve totally re-done their best-friend’s house……..but as much as I want to fight it, there is a purpose in me being here. So I guess I need to stop fighting it and start pursing the bigger reason I am here. I need to get into these women’s lives IF they will let me…..and see how I can serve them in some way. I mean let’s face it…..if you and I were friend’s with someone for over 50 years, lived on the same street the whole time, did everything together, we’d have a problem with the “newbie” too.

So yesterday Hope and I baked some banana bread for one neighbor with a “little” thank-you from her……but today I’m not sure what we’ll do, gotta think of something. Letting the Lord lead, that’s for sure. Well, I have just gone on and on this morning! I’m quite chatty I guess!! Sorry!! Praying for another victory today for you and I both!! I love you all and I hope you are having a very blessed day!!

Walking by faith and never by sight,




  • jill teamed with shelbee. tattooed cab driver licks busty babe.

    Wow that is really wonderful about losing weight! Now, Nicki, you have to eat your dinner on Taylor Birthday. If you only eat cake, first you will want more, because you will be hungry, and sugar will become your enemy because it tells your body it wants more. Second the sugar will shock your system, sending your blood sugar out of control. And third, at the risk of hurting your feelings, (sorry) it does not send a good message to the girls. If you eat dinner, you will be satisfied with the one piece of cake. I have experienced this and it works. There have even been times that I did not want the cake because I was satisfied with dinner, and could take one or two bites out of politeness.

    Ok then, you have a great day. I have to tend to some last minute homework that I forgot about, and get my walk in. It has FINALLY dropped under 100 degrees!!!!

    Aunt Karen

  • Good morning Auntie! you’re right….=) ok, I’m off for my walk too!! I’m glad it’s cooling off in your neck of the woods!! It’s very chilly here!! Talk to you later!!

  • I was going to say, too, that you shouldn’t skip a meal in order to allow yourself cake. Just eat less. You’re doing SO WELL!!

    You have a wonderful attitude about your neighbours and about why you’re in their lives. I look forward to reading more.

    (I didn’t really do a weigh-in this week because someone got mixed up and said the last challenge ended last week. My weight hasn’t changed since then. I did my new challenge post here. And yes, I took that picture of my 3-yr old pointing at the pretty caterpillars!)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!!

  • You have encouraged me today.
    Thank you girl!
    Keep looking at Him for your approval. He may ask the strange of you–but then we are to be a strange people.
    Cutting the food in half is a good thing. Also fixing you dinner on a salad plate helps.
    One thing I learned in the weigh down program (a Christian weight loss program) was not to ignore your hunger. As in skip a meal. Now if you are hungry and dinner will be served in an hour–drink a glass of water. Other wise eat when hungry.
    I am trying to get my head back in the game.
    Thanks for the motivation.

  • I want to echo what others have said…and also tell you that I happen to weigh in on Tuesday…I don’t know what it’s “supposed to be” in bloggetyville 🙂

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