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Just still……..


Just still……..

This morning I got up extra early to come on here and share some thoughts with you all. But once again, I’m having a very VERY hard time blogging this week. Sometimes I just want to start a new blog and only send it to a very few people to read. The Lord has me at a very difficult place in my life right now. It’s not bad, it’s just not a place to jump and shout about! There are so many things I want to say, but the words just won’t come out. I’m praying for boldness in my life, I need it bad.

I’ve now retyped my sentence five times and deleted it so…….I don’t know what to say. I really don’t. Sorry.

News on the home front……let’s see. Yesterday the Kennyboo showed me how sassy she truly can be….shocker. She was going through several fits of NO and NO and NO and NO. EVERYTHING was NO!!! I told her if she said NO! to me ONE MORE TIME she was getting her bottom spanked (yes we pop bottoms round here). She looks at me with the MOST SPITEFUL way and says, “un uh.” (however you spell that!) OH MY is all I can say!!!

Taylor tried a dance class this week with one of her good friends, and then after the class told me how badly she wanted me to coach her cheer squad this year……oh my, guilt! I would do it but the Kennyboo just is not at a age where I can tell her to SIT! and she will actually listen! =) I also got a call from the school nurse the other day and she told me that she thinks Taylor is going to need glasses. It broke my heart because I knew exactly how she’d react! (NOOOOOOO!!!!!!) and sure enough, the flood gates of tears opened up when she got home and I told her. I felt so bad for her!! Hopefully she’ll only have to wear them while she’s at school as she’s having problems seeing far away. Oh drama.

Hope is my precious PRECIOUS sensitive golden retriever! If you’ve never read the book Taming the Family Zoo, I highly recommend it! It’s great for identifying each of them. She is just so darn sweet………until yesterday she told Taylor she thinks I’m crazy because I made them clean their room!!

Well, the day has begun……Kennedy is in her crib hollering for me. Thanks to Sharon for giving me this award, she’s so sweet and ya’ll must stop by and visit her! And yes, I will accept it!!! =) THANK YOU!! Sharon has always been so good about stopping by and encouraging me deeply! So I give her the award right back!

I think this will be all for this week. I hope you all understand where I’m at with this blogging thing. I’m just not in a place where I don’t want to share my thoughts with certain people anymore, I don’t know if God is going to change that or not.




  • jill teamed with shelbee. tattooed cab driver licks busty babe.

    Praying for you dear Nicki—God is good all the time–my hope is anchored on this!

    Peace and prayers

  • I know what you mean about blogging sometimes. It would be good to be able just to put somethings out there without worrying how people are going to take them.
    I like to work out my “stuff” out loud. My mind is constantly working it over and some times it helps to see it on paper.
    Usually when I do post the hard times the encouragment I get is not really what I need to hear. I want to work it out—they can help work it out to by different thoughts.
    I have had a struggle with posting this week too. They awards helped because they gave me something to blog about. 🙂
    This book I was given for my birthday has blown my mind. For so many years I knew I did not “fit”.
    Know I know why. I am not a “happy” person by nature.I would have never been given the Ms Congeniality award.And people tried to change me-I tried to change me. It never worked. I just felt guilty for not being what everyone seemed to think I should be. Then of course I was miserable.Now it is o.k.
    We are who God made us to be. And that person is fine with God. And if that person is fine with God–no one else’s opinion matters.
    We are here to be what God wants us to be.
    I guess that is why I asked you what your gifting was because I hear my voice in your words.
    You need to pass me your email.I looked for it on your blog and could not find it.I was going to send you a devotion that I got this morning-it was good.
    Keep walking-we can still “be still” even in movement.

  • Hey Nikki,
    I don’t what is going on with you but God does and I hope it gets better. There are a lot of times when i don’t want to get on here and let the world know whats going on in my life and then there is times when i probably blog and say too much. Thats just my personality but I pray that the times I do blog that God will use it to reach someone. I sometime question as to what I need to share about in my blog. Mine are not always a devotion i read but mostly something I am going through in hopes I will hear from someone that can bear witness with me. I love your blogs…yours is one of the first I pull up when I get online. Hope things get better……God may just have you sitting quiet, being still and dwelling in him.

    Praying for you,

    P.S. i can’t remember what age my middle child got contacts but i do know it he was young because the eye dr. said he would have to prove to him that he could put them in and take them out by himself…..May be an option with Ms. Taylor. tell her I said she was special…God is given her 2 sets of eyes to see him more clearly.

  • Hi Nikki – I guess I always kept Taylor seated so close to the front that I never noticed her need for glasses. Have you taken her to the eye doctor yet?

  • Hey Kim, I actually think her eyes just started getting bad……surely she would’ve said something! =) We go to the eye dr. tomorrow so I’ll let you know what they say!

  • Please let me know – I pray that everything is clear. 🙂 I saw her at the bookfair today and gave her a squeeze.

  • Hi there, I hope you don’t mind me popping over (via Sharon), I hope your wee girl is fine with the glasses. I remember being mortified when my then 18month old son needed glasses and at that stage surgery in the offing – thanks to God, we got through, he didn’t need surgery and in the past few months (he is 6.5years) he only wears them for screen work and in class, up until then it was all the time, which was a challenge (he was a full on hyper child who never sat still – but that’s another story) and we’ve come a long way since then. My Miss 4 is a happy sausage, but boy she is so into chatting, chatting, chatting. Is this a regular girl thing? Well I loved your honesty in blogging and will be saying a few prayers for you too. xxx

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