Do you ever find yourself in the place to be moved by God yet nothing is happening. I am… shall I say, a bit impaitient when it comes to exciting things to start happening. I have been praying for some big things in my life, and God is answering but it’s a very slow process. God is NEVER in a hurry with me…….I’ve told you all a hundred times the Lord is my 11th hour Lord. Maybe he smiles as I KNOW this, yet still expect him to be early!!!
I’ve got some decisions to make……ugh, I hate making decisions. I don’t think God tells us to pray and then walk away when we are trying to seek answers. But I have to be careful to not push open doors either. So, I’m truly praying that God would speak LOUD AND CLEAR. I also think it’s amazing that He’s been leading me through this book, Battlefield of the Mind, during this time….I gotta have my focus right.
Well, I thought I would have more time to write this morning but two of the Kennyboo’s friends are on their way over to spend the day with us so the momma’s can go on a field trip. Kris gets to go with Taylor. They are going to see a play….should be fun!! So I guess I’d better get going! I’ll try to get up earlier tomorrow to explain this some more! Have a blessed day!!
i am excited to “hear” more. and i can’t wait to read your Bible study…
love, Leigh
One of my biggest worries is that God will open a door and I won’t recognize it. On many occassions I’ve prayed, “Lord, if it’s your will, open a door and if necessary SHOVE ME THROUGH IT.” I’ve also prayed, “Lord, if I’m even looking towards a door that You haven’t opened, nail that sucker shut and hide my crowbar!!!”
LUCY!!! you’re back!!! WOW!!! YEA!! =)
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