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Meditating Thoughts


Meditating Thoughts

Well we had an awesome weekend! Friday night the girls and I had girls night while Kris went and worked at the Todd Agnew concert at our North Campus…..we LOVE overtime! Especially when it’s something fun like that! =) The girl’s and I had fun doing nails, making homemade pizza and watching movies! Saturday, Kris’s mom graciously took all three of these wild youngins and let them spend the night. That left Kris and I FREE!!! We had dinner with some friends and then coffee. We had a blast! We had forgotten what it was like to not have them around it had been so long! Sunday morning we overslept BIG TIME, like we woke up at 10:00!! We never do that! That is what happens when there are no alarms that say, “MOMMY, MOMMY, I’m HUNGRY.” So, I felt assured that the Lord was gracious enough to forgive us this one time!

I’m so excited about my little tennis group! There’s still room if anyone else is intereasted! Just let me know!! Even if you’re no good, like me, we’ll still have a blast! After all my dear friend KD (I can’t use her name on here so I’ll use her initials) is involved and for those that know her, where she is…..laughter is soon to follow!!

My mom also gave us some big news this weekend. She is flying us all out to Arizona in December for my Aunt’s birthday….it’s a big one, I don’t know if I should say which one…let’s see if she’ll leave it in a comment! =) This is my decorating aunt, ya’ll know her as Karen. She’s super sweet and I’m SO excited that my mom is doing this for all of us. It should be very interesting the girls have never been on an airplane!! I can’t WAIT to see her and all of my family and go back and see my old hometown…….I always struggle with where my hometown is because we’ve moved so many ridiculously times, but for some reason whenever I hit the ground in Arizona, I feel like I’m home. But, I was raised in a little town called Coolidge. It’s in the middle of NO WHERE. My dad was the “big” foot-ball coach for the “big” foot-ball team and we just had ourselves a good time in that town. I can’t wait to post pics and show ya’ll everything! I’m looking foreword to it so much!!

So, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this “thinking” thing still. I have to tell ya’ll that there are so many issues we as women face in our minds. I don’t think they are the same type of issues men face either. (not that I’m a psychologist or anything) Last week I realized some huge things in my thought life. I’ve also realized how much power there is in scripture with this process. I’m trying to think of creative ways to post scripture all around my home. My Sunday school teacher at her house in her kitchen has “Taste and see the goodness of God” or something like that, it’s a verse I know that much. I think that’s a great idea! Of course I might need something else in my kitchen to remind me not to eat! =) hmm…what would be a good verse? (laughing) “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, but God will destroy them both!” 1 Corinthians 6:13……..hee hee!! I think people might just think I’ve lost it if I wrote that on my walls!! OH MY!!

I want to be constantly reminded of the truth that is from my Savior. As women perhaps the enemy tries to dig into our perception WAY to much, rather than focus on the truth of a situation. So what would be some verses that would overcome this battle in our lives? Here’s one I like…..Mark 4:24 “Consider it carefully what you hear, he continued, With the measure you use, it will be measured to you-and even more.” Ok, I have the PERFECT example for this one….I decided it was time to go back to my roots (meaning my natural color!) Well, I did it, didn’t really like it at first but it started to grow on me. Well, Kris and I were sitting outside talking and I said, “You don’t like my hair do you?” He says, “No, the color looks good!” Ok, so you know what I did??? I said, “Oh, so now you don’t like the way I style my hair!!” (laughing NOW) You see…..right there, I took and totally made something that it wasn’t! I know, you’re saying, “POOR KRIS”!! yes, poor Kris!! We’ve got three more in this house just like this!!

The Lord also just reminded me of this verse: Phillippians 4:8 “Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Right there God knew that we were going to need some serious ammunition on this battle of the mind. But from this book, Battlefield of the Mind, Joyce makes a very good point……this does not come naturally for us!! We have to put it into practice, it’s just not the way we come out of the box! (or belly) So, I know that in order to overcome each battle I face with self-esteem, my marriage, my children and all the relationships I face each day, I have to be asking myself a serious question……..”Is this the truth or a lie from the enemy?” And to not only do that, but measure each thought up with scripture. Now that’s going to take some time, wouldn’t you agree?? We’ve got to be ready, set and armed to go! So, I do believe that I need to think about scripture around my home…..and a cute way to tie it in somehow. I think I need to have it in my car, my purse, diaper bag…everywhere!!

Ok, so I love to hear back from my blog readers…. do you have scripture around your home? If so, how? What are the verses you use the most to overcome the battles you face each and every day? Even if you’ve never left a comment before, surprise me!! COME ON!!! Don’t be shy!! =)

Well, I’d better go, no school AGAIN today!!! Not sure what today holds! Kennedy seems awfully grouchy, so not to much I’m sure!! Oh and PRAISE THE LORD, we’ve had rain!!! WOW!!! God is so faithful!! Have a blessed, filled with great thoughts day!!




  • jill teamed with shelbee. tattooed cab driver licks busty babe.

    Glad to see that you are doing that study – it is so good. Yeah for the free trip to see Aunt Karen – I know that you can’t wait.

    No scripture – but I want to do that. I will google it to see what I can find – if I find some ideas, I will share. Promise.

  • I am so glad ya’ll had a little alone time. Keith and I truly feel blessed when we can go someplace just by ourselves. It reminds us who we are.
    I would have had a hard time giving up the Todd Agnew concert. I do love his earthy voice.
    Glad you found someone to play tennis with. Smacking a few balls should help with any built up frustrations. 😉

  • I don’t know who is more excited you or me! I can’t wait until I can see everyone again. I will be 50, and don’t mind anyone knowing!

    I only have one verse: I delight to your will my God, your law is deep within my heart.

    That all for now, school is getting much harder, with everything due at the same time.

    I am still working on the place mat and such, but I am behind. Not forgotten!

    Natural is good!

    Aunt Karen

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