Forever thoughts


Forever thoughts

I must confess that lately my quite times have been not up to par. The busyness of life really has taken a toll on my relationship with the Lord and as I sit here now, I see how desperate I am for a fresh word from Him today. Things of the past seem to haunt my mind today……relationships gone wrong, mistakes that have been made, trials and tribulations that I have not pressed through victoriously…….a lot to think about. But I often wonder are these thoughts of mine going to be forever thoughts? Will they ever go away? No matter how much victory I claim through each situation…… it ever gonna change?

Once our hearts hurt……..the healing process needs to begin, yes. But does that darkness in our lives ever truly go away? Lately, I’ve been changing the way I think to trying to see things through another perspective. I used to think, “Well, if I wouldn’t do that, I don’t understand why they would.” But, when you really start to surround your thoughts with what other’s thoughts could be, things start to change in your mind as well. And sometimes I wonder if other people’s perspectives are so clouded upon themselves that they truly can’t see things another way.

And then I truly wonder……… my perspective even close to God’s? Most likely……..NEVER. I mean, in the few quite moments I had on the airplane with the Kennyboo…….I remember looking out the window at our glorious country. Everything seemed so small, so tiny…..just a dot in this world, so insignificant. So what makes us significant? Our houses? Our kids? Our cars? Where we send our kids to school? What bible study we are in? What church we attend? Where we work? What is it????

Why God? What is it that makes us significant to you? In all this world, with all these people…….I am just a dot. But to God, I am His……..I am His child, his creation, his never ending work. We all get the same 24 hours a day 7 days a week, but what do we do with that time? Some days like today……..I feel a bit overwhelmed at life. Yes, we just got back from a long trip, I just started a new job, my house is a wreck and I am tired…….but I still long for Him right now, right here in my day. How can I make it all significant?

I don’t want to be just a dot in this world……I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I want to encourage, love, give and share the grace of God I have found, received and jump for joy with!! Oh Father, how do I begin this journey? How? I feel His quite yet still voice saying to me, “Right now, right here, with your husband, with your girls, right there in that home.”………I don’t know about you, but sometimes I would rather minister to anyone than my family!! The whines and complains……..boy they just do you in!!! But, I know I have to keep on serving them because they are my number ones!!

Taking a risk……….to make a difference……to make it significant. Hmmm………1 Thessalonians 1:3 “We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” Faith, Hope and Love……….may those be my forever thoughts the rest of this day!


I thank you for the signifiance I have found in you. I thank you for the victory I have recieved through many situations and I pray that those situations where other’s are bitter or resentful that they would be made right. Father help me to always look at things through another’s eyes and not just the way I want to see them. Lord, you have given me gifts and I pray that I would use them all to my best ability in you. Never for my glory Lord, but only for yours.

Lord, although I am so tired and rest has not been very abundant around here lately, I pray for rest tonight. May everyone feel better and sleep like newborn babies tonight. I’m excited to see you work in huge ways in my life. May your hands be upon me in mighty ways.

Father, there are many people on my heart today………those who are sick, those who are hurting, those who have been mistreated and taken advantage of……….those who are lonely and long for friendships, let them know I am their friend…..those who are sad over disapointments in life and those who are scared of what is ahead.

Give me some super powers to get all that needs to get done today…….or what’s left of today anyways. I love you Lord, oh I love you. Make me obedient today……….I stand in awe of you oh Lord, for all you have done and are going to do. Amen.




  • “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor 10:5

    Girl, I don’t know if you’ve done Breaking Free but this verse CHANGED my life! It truly is the ONLY way to get over the past and to not allow the enemy a crack in your thought life!

    Welcome home, by the way!

  • I think–no, I know that anytime we drift a little from the throne the devil goes to work.

    God’s glory is our protection. And in His presence there is a fullness of joy.

    We all need His presence.

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