Right now, I have SO many things running through my mind, I just don’t even know where to begin!! AHHHHH. It’s what I’d call brain overload!!! I spent the morning with some girlfriends just talking and drinking coffee and then hit the ground running (but not really RUNNING ha ha!)
I’ve got a big project on my hands. My mom has accepted a position in Asheville,NC so they are going to be moving. Which means, they are selling their house. They are in a great neighborhood and have a great house, my mom just is…….um……a little oh please let me say this in a nice way….”decorating challenged”. Although she has some beautiful things and wonderful colors, the house just isn’t what those TV shows would not call a “buyer’s dream”. I think they’ve just gotten into a situation that a lot of people do……mixing old stuff with new stuff and oh just a wee bit “clutter”. =)
So……I’ve stepped it up and I am helping them out! And they are listening!! =) Although my dad seems a little set in his ways in his old age some things are just going to be “shhhhh” and just do them before he sees or knows about it! Since you all loved those before and after pictures, I will surely include them on here this project. It’s going to be a lot of fun but a lot of work. I met with the painter today and things with that should be on a roll fairly quickly. There house is going to be beautiful and it will sell FAST…….hopefully. =)March 1st is the for sale by owner date to be on the market! We will give it a try on our own before putting it with a realtor.
However, in the midst of all this and running here and there with the girls this week….my mind has been all over the place. God’s really been dealing with me on some tough issues. Kris and I are very unsure about some things in our immediate future. There are some big decisions to be made and neither one of us have peace as to which way they should go. I have a “general” peace about things, like I’m not in a panic but, I’m just not peaceful with either direction of the decision.
Second, as I’ve been preparing for my class to begin in March, The Seven Life Principles for Every Woman……..I have been so amazed at what God has taught me and the different people he keeps bringing in to my life daily that are making a difference in my life. Just today, at my kitchen table, with a friend, the Lord clearly revealed another part of His plan. I’m so excited, I just can’t wait!! It’s going to be so much fun, well, it’s been so much fun already!! So it’s surely to be a blast!!
Third, and last, God has been so real to me this week…….He has been in ALL the details. Listen to this….On Tuesday, at work, I wasn’t doing very well in my sales for the day and I was trying to figure out why….well, I went into the office and prayed and the Lord totally revealed it to me and THEN, I confessed it and HE blessed it! I ended up doing great in my sales. He was right there in the moment……….THEN,
On Wednesday night, I was really upset about some news I had just gotten and I had to teach my 5 year old’s and just wasn’t feeling like it at ALL. Well, as I was walking down the hall…….there was my friend, my prayer warrior who was actually just coming by to tell me that her girls wouldn’t be coming to my class that night. Something just nudged her to come tell me that. Well, Kris stayed with my class and she, I and another girl made our way to the prayer room………it was just incredible. God’s presence is just so alive in that room. We just cried together, and just loved each other as sisters in Christ. It was amazing.
God’s so been in all the details of my life lately……but, you know even when I can so clearly see His hands upon me and I know He’s working…..it’s still hard to not know certain things about what’s ahead. But don’t we all experience this uncertainty in life daily? Things change directions faster than we can blink!
So, I’m very tired but wanted to pop on and say hello to you all. How are you? Will you leave a comment and let me know? Thanks. =) You know I LOVE comments and I love all of you!! Well, off to “unwind” and fill my dreams with decorating…….surely this will keep me up until 3am AGAIN tonight. I’ve got one of those minds that likes to start thinking when it’s time to STOP thinking. =) Well, ya’ll have a great weekend! Maybe some pics next week of the house progress!!
so do you mean you are selling your house??? what is your mom going to be doing in ashevile?
how is your brother? when is he getting married?
praying for you!!!
Love, Leigh
My parents house is the same way…I said to mom recently, “Mom just because I gave it to you 20 years ago – it is okay to let it go.”
Pray for my fellow. He has been SICK – first strep and then an infection from the penicillin shot. He did perform in chapel but spiked a fever afterwards. I brought him home following chapel and then had to take him to urgent care last night. He is walking a LITTLE better today….Please tell Taylor to pray for him too!
I see you do have lots going on. Sounds like you are doing good–prayer and more prayer.How great to have women who love to go before the Lord with you. That is a huge gift from God.
I hope your Mom is not moving too far away from ya’ll. I’d hate for them to loose time with her and of course I’d hate you to loose a babysitter.
I am doing pretty good. Getting ready to hit the sack. I am enjoying my time with God. He is speaking and you know that is a good thing.I will start teaching the book of Isaiah next week. I keep thinking- God if I got this wrong please tell me now. Yikes! What a mouth full this will be. You can pray for me. Not sure how God wants me to go about this.
Leigh! Hey girl! NO, I’m selling my mom’s house for her. I will be e-mailing you about my brother….
Hey Kim! Taylor said that Sam was sick, I’m so sorry. We will pray for him….I hate it when my kids are sick. Hope he gets better this weekend!
Sharon! I’m praying for you! I can’t wait to hear how your class goes!! And ps- my mom rarely keeps my girls…..so MAYBE this will be a good thing, they will have to come to HER AND STAY. =)
I took some pictures of Taylor for you. I saw Kris but I did not see you and I had a new camera so I took pictures of all of my babies. I will email them to you.
Sam is somewhat better today. It has been scary. He developed a staph infection from the penicillin shot. He is not contagious but he is on STRONG antibiotics for the next 10 days. He is really showing improvememnt this morning. I will not be comfortable until the tissue on his hip is completely healed. Continue to pray for his healing please.
Nicki! Sounds like you are doing great! Not without challenges, but, you have a great faith & a great God, and wonderful Godly friends! What wonderful gifts!
I tagged you for something, because I think you have lots of great things to share! No hurry! Take your time, I see your hands are full!
It’s so exciting to hear about God working and moving so tangibly in people’s lives! Sounds like you’ve got a lot going on! Wow! I admire you for deciding to help out your parents with the updating and sale of their house. What a huge commitment! I hope all goes well with that project and that you’ll be more than satisfied with the end result.
Nicki! You cracked me up! 🙂 I hope you & your hubby had a great time last night!
Ok, when you are writing your post, whatever you want to be the link – you have to go there and copy that address (by right clicking on it), then in your post highlight the phrase or word, Like if it was Three Girly Girlz, when you have highlighted it, then click on the the thing that looks like a paperclip with a globe behind it (it is just to the right of the Text Box) (in your blogger where you are writing your post), THAT will open a little box, delete the http thing that is there and paste the address that you want the highlighted word to take people to….(with your right click on your mouse)
It is REALLY easy, but, somehow these instructions don’t sound that way…hope this helps! 🙂
if you need my cell number for me to walk you thru it, e-mail me at freetofly@cfaith.com, I will give it to you…
Happy Sunday!
Girl, you are to funny!! I have tried and tried to figure this out….but I have ran flat out of time!!
Oh and no date b/c my mil went to see her new grandbaby…can you believe??? =) I’m so kidding! Of course the new grandbaby takes priority over our date night
Nicki, I love reading about your life and family. The Lord is so precious and He will help you with all the challenges. He is a mighty God! Please help me pray about a friend from church, Shelley. She is only 24 and has an inoperable tumor by her heart. Please pray for her strength and healing. I am anxious to hear all about your teaching. love ya, Trish
Hi Trish! I will pray for your friend, please keep me updated.
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