Obedience…..I get it.


Obedience…..I get it.

As I sit here now to write out my thoughts, it’s a cool but warm morning. I have the window open next to my desk and all of God’s creation seems to be singing His praise this morning!! I love fresh air…..I would have my windows open all year round if I could. There’s just nothing like it!!

I’m so thankful for so much this morning!!

I feel as though a huge burden has been lifted off my heart with my job, direction for ministry and so much more. Someone asked me yesterday how my job was going and ya’ll…..it just couldn’t be more perfect! It’s such a blessing and I just love what I do. I am able to meet so many different women and although they don’t know it, it gives me glimpses into their lives to be in a room with them for 30 minutes taking pictures of their sweet newborns. I’m always observing, taking notes in my mind….for ministry stuff of course.

What is it that women are struggling with the most as mom’s? What can we do to better our marriages, families and homes? What are the needs of all women different ages, lifestyles and even different cultures. And since I only work while Kennedy and HopeAnn are in pre-school, I don’t feel “guilty” or like I’m missing out on anything. I think it’s been good for them, well for Kennedy anyways, HopeAnn was already in before I started.

As I’ve been thinking about why things have been on a stand still with many attempts to get started in ministry…..I’ve really been crushed. Even when we have no expectations……it’s amazing how the enemy can still make you feel let down, destroyed, unworthy and defeated. My heart has been “Lord, here am I ready to go……and you are not.” But what the Lord has shown me in such a gentle and kind way…..is that although things are moving very slow….He IS working. He is molding me and teaching me so much, and it’s not been “fun” “jump for joy” lessons.

I have been around the “obedience mountain” more than once unfortunately. For some reason I always seem to think “I’ve got this one Lord.” Only for Him to QUICKLY remind me that I do NOT got this one.

I love my three girls…….yet they are the biggest blessing but biggest struggle of my life. How that is possible? I DON’T KNOW. =) I’ve always “secretly” wanted a strong boy to raise to be a “foot-ball player” and “preacher man” and “Godly husband”……(because he’d be ALL THREE you know??!!!) And when the Lord gave me not one, not two but three of these girly’s…….I was like, “Huh??”.

I mean…….the fighting, the jealousy, the screaming, the hormonal outcries for NO REASON, the clothes, the baby dolls, the barbies, the kitchen cooking, the toe nails, the shoes, the “Line Em UP” routine on Sunday mornings and THE HAIR…..oh my….whew, it can be overwhelming at times!! MANY MANY days Kris and I will jokingly look at each other and ask, “Whose idea was this??? Yours? No yes, YOURS.”

But, for some reason, whatever it is, and obviously I don’t know right now…..this is what God has given me right now. And I’d better walk in obedience in raising them rather than just plain frustration and complaining, because my obedience NOW has an eternal result. It’s the same with my walk with the Lord.

Believe it or not, we will all one day stand before our creator…..and will he ASK, “Well done my good and faithful one?” or will he SAY “Well done, my good and faithful one!”

This verse in Romans captured my heart this morning……”For just as through the disobedience of one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.” -Romans 5:19

Obedience……it’s a good thing!!! And I think I can say this very confidently that God’s blessing shines THROUGH our obedience in all things. So just like raising three girls for me isn’t easy….it’s a daily struggle…..we all have things that are set before us that aren’t “easy” and that some days we don’t “like” to do. But we can claim this verse in Romans that we know that through our obedience righteousness will prevail for many!! That we will be able to stand before God, pure and right before Him!!!

Well “obdeience is calling” in the form of “MMMMMMMOOOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYYY!!!” Better go!

Thanks for sharing this with me today! Have a great day!




  • So where are the consignment sales around? You can e-mail that to me if you don’t mind? I don’t even know where to look. I feel lost still and we have been here a year on the 31st. I miss GA and all my friends there. I think it is hormones but I’ve been really missing it lately.

    You talk about moms and being around them and it makes me miss it even more. MOPS was a huge part of my life there and a huge encouragement also.

    You are so right about what we do now as moms has such eternal significance. I want so badly to do it right but feel I fail so often. I think that is normal though … the feeling not the failing. 🙂 Hopefully, I get more right than wrong 🙂

  • This is such a hard lesson to learn, especially with respect to our own individual daily grind. Somehow, we always think that’s separate from actually doing God’s will and it’s good to get these reminders.

    I envy you that you have your windows open. We’ve got one open too, but only because we’re heating with the woodstove in the basement and as the basement stairs are in the kitchen, the kitchen gets SUPER hot!! (The rest of the house is very nice and comfy, but working in the kitchen in winter generally requires an open window, bare feet, and summer attire!)

  • I am so with you girl!! Obedience is so much if not all baout priorities and God is constantly making us faithful to those. I fail, often, but get back up again!! I have some things of obedience He is asking me……..i will let you know soon! you know, blog about it!!

    love, Leigh

  • Girl, what a great post today. BTW think maybe your job IS your ministry! What a time to share with those ladies. I’m sure that because of your job you’d have to be careful, but when God opens the door, RUN thru it girlfriend!! Pray for opportunities to not just give them the gift of pictures of their newborns, but the most precious gift you have…Jesus! What an awesome opportunity!! Love ya girl.

  • Obedience is a hard thing to teach and equally hard to abide by! I often struggle with this as well. Take care. Kellan

  • I imagine that when Joseph sat in jail he didn’t think of it as obedience–but it was. I am learning that it is all about heart attitude.

    I am glad you are enjoying your job and I pray that it is turning out to be the financial help you hoped it would be. In other words–I hope they are buying plenty of pictures!!!!

  • Nikki, I was cleaning out a closet a while back and I found an old prayer journal. Guess what I was asking God to help me with then? The same things that I need help with now. (talk about walking around in the wilderness) I am with you girl…let’s press forward. He will make it beautiful in HIS time.

  • Obedience…it’s what He really wants…but we struggle to give. Trust me I know exactly what you’re experiencing.

    And God bless with three little girly girls. That’s a lot of estrogen under one roof!

  • I like your blog ministry. Several of your posts have caught my eyes and heart. We’ve got alot in common.

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