Putting up a fight…..or not!


Putting up a fight…..or not!

“I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” -1Corinthians 9:26-27This was the verse listed with my devotion today……..at first when I read it I thought it was truly about not giving up and pressing on….but as I read it again, I got a little confused. However as I read what Mrs.Beth Moore wrote about this verse, my eyes were changed, focused, ready to go!

God has the right to allow us to fight our own fights, He does not say he will make us do that or not, but the fact is….as Beth says, “He really doesn’t need our help.” But, he does allow us to fight the good fight so we’d better be ready.

I don’t like conflict…….I will avoid it at ALL COSTS, even if it means a friendship. Which is not the best thing in the world. I’m not sure why I’m this way or what causes me to be this way, I know that I’m a big people pleaser and want others to always be happy and sometimes this means I think way to far into things.

Maybe you girls can identify with this…..sometimes in a relationship, it’s hard to identify the truth of a situation versus hormones, situations ext…….sometimes we don’t even know what’s the cause of our own hurt let alone other’s! So I guess the hard part that I have with that is, understanding why people do the things they do! Perhaps the Lord gave me three girls to understand this….because I sure didn’t before!

I don’t know about you, (and please tell me what you think!) but the way I often identify whether I believe someone is in the wrong or not is by my own actions……”Would I do that to them?” “Would I say those things?” “Would I allow a person like that to be apart of my life on a close level?”……those are often questions I ask myself in sticky situations.

Here’s what I’ve learned…….we’re going to have people on this earth that we just plain DON’T LIKE. Whether they are Christians or not, some people are just miserable on the inside and they are just never going to be happy………as a confession, I have been there during a dark time in my life……..it was a time filled with jealousy, hate, guilt and lack of joy about anything BIG TIME. But the Lord set me free…….he allowed me to experience the light of Him again and to be filled with peace, love and joy that surpasses ALL understanding.

But, I still struggle at times with people I don’t like…….But do you know what I’ve seen through this devotion this morning? The Lord’s will is “unquestionable”…not a place for me to be asking Him if He knows what’s up! So therefore……EVERYTHING good or bad that happens to me throughout the day is apart of His plan…..however, there’s this thing called “Free Will” (oh Lord, I’d be much better off without it!) and I have a choice as to how I react to things. We have to know our bodies…….is it a hormonal time? are we stressed out? is there an underlying issue behind it all? what ARE we really upset about?

Identifying where the enemy is working and where God is working really can be simple….if we make it that way. Which we women are NOTHING but simple! We have this power inside of us, the awesome mighty work of God. Allowing Him to lead the fight and to work……sometimes it’s tough, but we gotta surrender, we gotta release it. Because when we start to fight our own battles…….we’re most likely going to shame ourselves and the name of God.

Dear Lord,

Forgive me for the times when I chose to fight my own battles, especially those right here in my home. Forgive me for doubting your plan for everything and questioning you because I have a better idea! Forgive me for not realizing what some battles are about….just hormones out of control on both parts. Lord, help me to be sensitive to that and know what’s what in my life.

Lord, it’s a busy day, again. But, I’m here starting it right off with you. I know that everything that will come from this day good or bad, it apart of your will for my life. I sometimes worry about the bad……what could it be today? But I know that’s a place for the enemy to get a foot-hold in my life. Not somewhere you want me to be.

Protect everyone as we all go our separate ways. I pray for each lady that reads this blog today. I pray for peace and joy in their lives, forgiveness where needed and just a general protection of their hearts and lives. Bless them Lord, bless them in a big way, just what they need today.

Father, again many people on my heart…..you know them all by name and situation. I lay it all down and walk on in Faith knowing that you will answer.

Make me full right now, full of only you. I don’t know why but I sense a battle ahead today…..and I just pray for it to go away already and I lay all my worries and fears down before you. I know according to your words, “I’m alive because of your righteousness.”….make me feel that and believe that today. Lord, time has run out, walk beside me all day, let me feel your breath on my skin. I love you Lord. Amen.



One Comment

  • My thoughts are so scattered right now I would probably do best just to read.
    But I want you to know that I so understand your thought here.
    People pleaser and wanting everyone to just be happy and get along.
    Isn’t it great to know that when we get to heaven it will be that way?\o/

    There are so many test that we walk through daily. Some to reveal to us what needs to change and some to reveal to us what has changed.
    No matter the person–He orchestrated it. How will we respond? In the flesh or in the Spirit.
    I am learning that I can never rest secure where I stand and what I think I know. He flipped that all upside down this past year.
    My goal is to get back to the point where all I see is His face.
    Very good thoughts here.

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