Amy over at Girl on a Mission (and I SO wish I was all bloggery savy and STILL cannot figure out to do that type a word and link it up deal…..oh my) BUT, she tagged me for this easy and fun book meme so I’ll participate
Here are the rules:
1. Pick up a book on your desk or a book that is nearby (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag some friends to take the book meme challenge on their blog.
NOT surprisingly the book I have on my desk is A Woman’s Secret to a Balanced life, it’s the book that goes with the study I’m teaching in a few weeks…..have I mentioned this lately? =) hee hee!
pg.123…….oh my word, I’m dying laughing here!! I’m SO NOT KIDDING as I write this:
“Her soul stands….Naked.” (fifth sentence)
“Studies show that, in the average hom, ten negative comments are made for every positive one. Also, it takes four positive comments to counteract one negative statement. With that ratio, it’s easy to understand why so many children are discouraged and have poor self-images.” (next three)
Well, how about that??!!! We just had ourselves a little Dr.Phil session in form of a blog meme!! Hee hee! I loved this one! And NOW……I tag….Cindy at Army Brats and Me, Sharon at Sit me with for awhile, and Kim at Only One! Have fun ladies!
Yes, I have heard that before. My poor kids. More so Michael.
I hope I am better about that now.
I will get to mine Monday when I do my MeMe’s and tags.
I just tried it on a book and didn’t come up with anything as neat as yours.
Hey I see you are getting my comments–I don’t know why I keep getting a message that says you are not getting my comments. Weird.
This is so original, random & fun! The info yours gave is so good & so true & I am so guilty! but improving!
I wanted to pop over & tell you Happy Valentine’s day!
God bless!
Nicki from three girly girls tagged me for this easy and fun book meme so I’ll we participate. Here are the rules:1. Pick up a book on your desk or a book that is nearby (of at least 123 pages).2. Open the book to page 123.3. Find the fifth sentence.4. Post the next three sentences.5. Tag some friends to take the book meme challenge on their blog. Ok I am reading a book I bought my daughter. It is about feelings and emotions. pg.123…….But remember, with every angry word (and with every smile) you are painting a picture of yourself in your mind-and for others to see. (fifth sentence) If not, now is the time to do something about it. Take time to listen to your feelings and share them with others the best way you know how. The better you become at understanding and expressing your feelings, the more you will enjoy being you!(next three) Ok so that was interesting God knew that I was going to read this page while I was doing my blog earlier. I just said touch someone with a smile. How cool was that. Anyway what a great book. My 11 is reading it.Cindy
I may need to do a whole lot of praising to my kids this year!
Good luck on your study!
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