Dear Kennyboo….


Dear Kennyboo….

A very sad thing happened today…..I took your sheets off your crib for the last time. You are now in the big girl bed and the crib must go…..and since this is a remarkable thing to happen, your momma must blog about it, because this is what all great momma’s do…. =)

So although you were just a quiet, peaceful baby in my arms a few months ago, you are now a screaming, fighting for your life, angry toddler! What have I done dear Kennyboo to deserve such a precious two year old? The throwing of the sippy cups, the baby dolls on my head, the gum in the toilet, the toothpaste on the walls, the temper tantrums in Target, the No No spoon at Harris Teeter, the crayons upon the walls……yes my dear, these are the days your momma will cherish forever…….or not.

Just a few months ago, you slept like a baby doll, with pretty little bows upon your head. Now you like to wear bags on your head and sleep is a thing of the past. Yes my dear, fun days are what we share…..

Ode to the Kennyboo who is baby no more:

The Kennyboo….
Big girl bed sleeping, pull-up’s not wearing, “I do it!” sayin, Caiou Watching, Dancing like a rock star, screaming like a monster, chewing gum wannabe, copy-cat everything, Tellin Daddy to wipe his face smarty pants, potty training drop out, artist of the year, No No spoon regular, “wook at me wook at me!” cool girl, Cheetah girl fill-in, messy hands of the year awarded, Shark Tale watchin, Mac and Cheese eatin, wearing bags on your head, princess of the world, eatin skittles in church silly girl……..and now baby no more.

Yes, my Kennyboo….just wanted to make this day last forever in my mind. Because you are no longer a baby, you are a big girl and I love you boo!!! Despite the trials and tribulations you bring (oh my) you warm my heart each and every day with those endless tounge lickin kisses and hugs that have no end. Welcome to the Big Girl world Kennyboo!!! Maybe now we’ll go potty??? (She said…NO!)


What? Doesn’t everyone eat skittles during church?
“Wook at ME!! Wook at Me mommy!! I silly!!!”
“I no do it mommy….I no do it.”




  • How sweet is all of that, even the “I’m TWO stuff” Oh, not a big girl bed. Look I’m not taking Lexi bug out of her crib until she goes to school.(jk)

  • Jenny, don’t let her looks fool you!!! =) hee hee!!

    Stephanie, I’m with ya….keep them in those cages oh I mean, cribs, long as you can!! =)

  • So cute!! I’ve got EG’s big girl bed set up, and my other two were all in big beds by now, but I’m holding onto that crib (along with my sanity) for a couple more months! 🙂 And the toothpaste….oh, the toothpaste. I had just washed their Easter dresses day before yesterday and a couple other things and had them laid on the side of our tub to dry — well, somehow EG got ahold of the toothpaste and went down the whole row of clothes and squirted a whole tube of toothpaste out on all those clean clothes. UUUGGGHHHH!!! But, then she made her cute little stinker face and I just had to laugh. 🙂 Sometimes you just gotta!

  • Oh my…I can’t believe your baby is going to be in a big girl bed! Time sure does fly!

  • Amy, girl, laughing is all that pulls me through most days!!! =)

    Faith, yes….time goes by WAY to fast!!! But, I can’t say I will to terribly miss the “terrible two’s”!!! =)

  • Oh they grow up so fast!! And my baby turns 3 on Sunday. And I’m remembering how hard 3 is. And I’m reserving my room at the funny farm as we speak. 😉

  • Wonderfu. Popped over to comment on yesterday’s post about grace, but found this too. Fun and trying, I’m sure.

    Actually, I had a mom in the county office I work in today with two in tow. I became impomptu child care while another person helped explain some forms. I managed an origami swan and let them sift through the torn of pages of a page a day calendar with cat pictures on it and let them hide from mom under my desk. 🙂 It was fun, but I don’t know that I would have wanted to navigate those forms with two in tow….

    Hope you have a great weekend.

    But the problem with the big girl bed is there is no keeping them in!! Of course, maybe she had already mastered getting out of the crib?

  • Oh my, my goodness! She is too much! She is adorable and I just love her spunk! I am sure it IS exhausting at times, but at times, I bet it is exhilerating as well!

    You get my vote for Mommy of the year! In your household you ARE THE Mommy of the Year! You have the I AM, remember? 🙂


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